By Wesam Bahrani

Hamas vows to fight any foreign forces

July 6, 2024 - 23:7
Palestinian resistance rejects plans about foreign troops entering Gaza

TEHRAN- The Palestinian Hamas resistance movement has rejected any measures that would override the “will of Palestinians” regarding the future of Gaza, emphasizing that the administration of the territory constitutes a “purely Palestinian affair”.

In a statement, Hamas expressed its refusal to accept any plans, projects, proposals, statements, or positions supporting moves for the entry of foreign forces into the territory under any name or pretext.

The statement emphasized that “the administration of Gaza, after repelling this fascist (Israeli) aggression, is a purely Palestinian matter, agreed upon by our Palestinian people in all its factions.”

Hamas pointed out that “the Palestinian people will not allow any guardianship or imposition of external solutions or equations that diminish their constants based on their inherent right to achieve their freedom and determine their destiny.”

The movement called on all Arab and Islamic countries to pressure for the cessation of the genocide against the Palestinian people and to provide all means of support and backing in their struggle to defend their existence on their land.

It urged these countries to fulfill their obligations towards the Palestinian people, their land, and the Islamic and Christian holy sites, stating that Israeli settler gangs are corrupting these sanctities.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian resistance committees rejected the deployment of any international forces or others in Gaza, affirming that the Palestinian people “decide their destiny and determine their future.”

The resistance committees said it considered any attempt to deploy international or other forces in Gaza as aggression against the Palestinian people, stressing that they would deal with international forces as they have dealt with the Israeli occupation forces.

In a statement, they highlighted that the people and their resistance reject any imposed solutions or guardianship from any party.

They affirmed that “those who seek the benefit of Gaza and its people should support and assist them and work diligently to stop the aggression, genocide, and ethnic cleansing committed against all aspects of life in the sector, supported by military, financial, and political backing from the U.S. administration and its allies.”

According to the American news website Axios, a senior Israeli official expressed optimism about negotiations for an exchange of Palestinian prisoners for Israeli captives and a ceasefire in Gaza.

The official indicated that an agreement could be reached within two to three weeks once negotiations on the details begin, which could involve a foreign force deployed to Gaza.

Other reports have also emerged of an international force or even an Arab force being deployed to Gaza as part of negotiations to reach a ceasefire. Hamas has said any deal must end the genocidal war on the enclave and bring a full Israeli withdrawal from the Strip.

Critics have questioned whether this deployment would bring peace to the enclave considering the stance of the Palestinian resistance committees who have warned any external force would be targeted in a similar fashion to the operations against the Israeli military inside Gaza.

There is a consensus among military experts, who say the Israeli army has been unable to achieve any of its stated goals after nearly nine months of air, sea and ground assaults on the small Palestinian territory.