By Fatemeh Hosseini

Unpacking opposition vandalism against Iranian elections abroad

July 3, 2024 - 22:24

TEHRAN- After the martyrdom of Ebrahim Raisi, the Islamic Republic went to early presidential elections without interruption. It seems that this election is one of the most controversial presidential elections in Iran.

But amid the election excitement, the saboteurs working against the Islamic Republic of Iran wanted to start another sedition. They are made up of all sects and political movements opposing the Islamic Republic, such as Liberals, the terrorist sect of the MKO (led by Maryam Rajavi), Communists, Komalah, Bahá'í political organizations affiliated with the Zionist regime, the movement of Democratic-Republicans, Radicals’ Feminist, Monarchists, Separatists, etc. Each of them seeks to achieve their own goals, not to feel sympathy for the Iranian people. Opponents of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2022, following the protests of Mahsa Amini's death, like in previous years, could figure out some riots at the country level. During the riots of 2022, with armed intervention and inciting people, especially the youth, they issued various populist statements about their fake and self-interested alliance and invited the people to create insecurity and were happy that the Islamic Republic was collapsing. But very soon they suffered a heavy defeat, because they didn't have a single alliance even amongst their leaders, and their strong differences caused the disintegration of their formations, which the people wisely kept aloof from them and realized their deceit.

They did not experience the continuous defeat of the opposition movement, and again in the presidential elections on June 28, like the parliamentary elections of February 2024, they found a suitable opportunity to maintain their prestige. 

This time in England, one of the places where the bases of all political currents opposing the Islamic Republic of Iran are located, they wanted to create riots. The British House of Commons Library, which is a research and legislative center, issued a report that dealt with the process of the Iranian riots. Regardless of the lack of participation of Iranians abroad in the riots, this organization has analyzed the dimensions of this riot along with the view of anti-Iranian currents and governments to reduce the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic. This action is in line with the European Union's efforts to delegitimize Iran. It can be predicted that the next goal of the anti-Iranian currents is to damage the alliance of the key forces of Iran's internal security. The level of participation in Iran's elections is one of the other axes that has attracted the attention of the experts of the British Parliament Research Centre. It can be predicted that one of the other axes that the anti-Iranian currents will pursue with serious planning in the post-chaos era is political-media influence to reduce the participation rate.

Also, the process of discouraging people towards the Islamic Republic system, which started in the past, will continue with more intensity in completing the puzzle of this planning centered on media operations. Despite all the sabotage plans, the voting process in England, as the largest Iranian voting center in Europe, began at eight o'clock in the morning local time, and from the very first minute, Iranians cast their votes by attending the polling stations. A total of 10 ballot boxes were located in 10 polling stations in England. 5 ballot boxes were located in different areas of London and five ballot boxes were located in other English cities including Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle, Glasgow, and Cardiff. 

However, two people were arrested in the Birmingham polling station, two people in front of the building of the consular section of the embassy, and one in Manchester, after a conflict erupted with voters and election organizers in this area. Despite these issues and disturbances created by small numbers, we witnessed a large participation of compatriots living in England in the 14th presidential election. 

The opposing groups gathered in front of the polling stations from the early hours of the voting and tried to disrupt the order of the elections by chanting slogans. They also insulted the voters who went to the embassy to participate in the elections. In some stations, opponents raised the flag of the criminal Zionist regime. But they remained silent about the oppressed people of Gaza and the child-killing regime for fear of being expelled from the country of which they are citizens. They are a small and defeated army and their behaviors are similar to extremist groups such as the English Defense League led by notorious figures such as Tommy Robinson and they used all their power to disrupt the most basic civil and democratic rights of Iranian citizens with obscenity and psychological operations. 

According to what we heard, these people contacted the owners of the halls that were rented for the elections and introduced themselves on behalf of the renter, and then they claimed that they wanted to cancel the lease agreement. During this period, the British police cooperated more closely to protect polling stations and were deployed in all five stations of London to prevent conflicts and disappointed enemies.

Now, there is a question how can the opponents of the Islamic Republic of Iran continue to riot every once in a while, inside and outside of Iran, chant the slogan of public peace, freedom of expression, and freedom of opinion? The opponents of democracy complain about the non-respect of human rights in Iran, but they have not even noticed the human rights laws Lawyers are aware of the importance that freedom of speech should be presented in certain and defined principles so as not to harm the rights of others, but the claimants of freedom of speech disrespect their compatriots and subject them to physical attacks. Now you are the final decision maker to identify the false claimants.