By Matin Jamshidi

Trump not satisfied with the magnitude of Gaza carnage

June 28, 2024 - 22:24

TEHRAN - While Israel has been massacring Gazans for more than 260 days with the backing of “genocide Joe”, Donald Trump is not still satisfied and called Joe Biden a “bad Palestinian” in the first presidential debate on Thursday.

Trump said the United States should let Israel “finish the job” of destroying Hamas in the Gaza Strip. 

Squaring off in a CNN debate, Trump said, “Let them go and let them finish the job.” He added, “He doesn’t want to do it. He’s become like a Palestinian, but they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian. He’s a weak one,” Trump added. 

“I’ve never heard so much foolishness,” Biden responded. 

Biden, the current president, blamed Hamas for the continuation of the war, claiming, “The only one that wants the war to continue is Hamas . . . We're still pushing hard to get them to accept.” However, he acknowledged that his administration is “the biggest producer of support for Israel of anyone in the world.”

Trump is stupid enough to understand that Israel, despite the “ironclad” support by the Biden administration, has miserably failed to “finish the job” and will not be able to do so.

That Israel will not be able to defeat resistance fighters has been openly acknowledged by former senior Israeli officials and some current ones. The intelligence findings in Israel and the United States also confirm this.

On June 20, the Israeli military spokesman poured cold water on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s dreams of eliminating Hamas.

“This business of destroying Hamas, making Hamas disappear — it’s simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public,” Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said.

Hagari added, “Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people — anyone who thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong.”

Failure to defeat Palestinian resistance forces, including those aligned with Hamas, has caused deep rifts among Israelis.

In April, former head of the Shin Bet internal security service Nadav Argaman launched a full-scale assault against Netanyahu in an interview with Channel 12, saying Netanyahu was leading Israel to its “doom.”

Israel, he said, was “already in the abyss, and if Bibi Netanyahu does not leave office — it will be our doom… I think if the State of Israel doesn’t get its act together and fast, we’ll reach some very, very, very bad places.”

Even WMDs can’t break the will of Palestinians

What else has remained that Israel should do to “finish the job”.

Even using weapons of mass destruction against Palestinians will fail to break their will to fight for their legitimate rights. 

Of course, the number of Palestinians killed or injured and the degree of demolition in the Gaza Strip is not something less than using nuclear weapons.

The strong support for Hamas in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank after the October 7 attack on southern Israel clearly shows that Palestinians are ready to sacrifice their lives for their motherland.

If violence against Palestinians had worked now after nearly eight decades - since the establishment of Israel in 1948 - the occupiers should have lived in complete tranquility. However, Trump and his inner circle don’t want to acknowledge this fact. It is mostly because they want to gain the votes of pro-Zionist voters in the November elections.

Of course, Trump and some members of his team are stupid enough to understand that no nation, not just Palestinians, can forego the stealing of their land.

Palestinians, under pressure from the West and certain Arab countries, agreed to dialogue with Israel to find a way to settle the decades-long dispute although still greatly unhappy that Israel has been established on their lands through a colonial conspiracy. However, they gained nothing through Western, mainly American, mediation. Instead, Israel consolidated its grip on the lands occupied in 1967 and later put the 2.3 million Gazans in a cage.

There was no sincerity in negotiations. They just wanted the Palestinian youth to lay down their arms in order to annex the remaining Palestinian lands in a quiet manner.

In the presidential debate, Trump dodged the question for a Palestinian state, just saying, “I’d have to see,” and then changed the subject.

In line with his egoism, he repeated his earlier claim that Hamas' attack of Oct. 7 would not have happened if he had been president. 

The hatred against occupiers of the Palestinian lands runs deep and this feeling has been exacerbated as the brutality against the Palestinians in Gaza has shocked the entire world. Firing against Israeli soldiers by Egyptian troops before and after the Gaza war shows this hate.

If the United States could succeed in the Vietnam War and if the Soviets could defeat the Afghans fighting the invaders, extremists in Israel and its die-hard supporters in the West, particularly in the U.S., can imagine that they also will be able silence a nation and force them to surrender.

Probably Trump suffered from the illusion that through his administration’s Abraham Accords, which resulted in the normalization of relations between a few certain Arab countries with Israel, the issue of Palestine would be sidelined. However, the October 7 attack changed the face of West Asia (Middle East) and there will be no prospects for durable peace if the rights of the Palestinians for having their own independent and sovereign state are not realized.

The will to fight against occupation is far stronger than the campaign for freedom, democracy and justice.

If the butchery against the Palestinians in Gaza, which according to international law are concrete examples of war crimes and crimes against humanity, had worked, the job, as Trump wishes, would have been finished by now.