Iran's foreign policy prospect in the 14th government

TEHRAN - In a conversation with Hassan Beheshtipour, an expert on foreign policy issues, Etemad investigated various aspects of the foreign policy of the upcoming government.
It wrote: The priority of the future government in foreign policy should be to end the sanctions. These sanctions will not end unless Iran increases the country's economic power as much as it increases its nuclear power. We can't think that the other party will settle down with nuclear power and negotiate. The Raisi government had a policy of interaction and confrontation, meaning neither complete interaction nor complete confrontation. This means that it confronted in the battleground and prioritized negotiation in the interactions. The future government can be a government that advances this policy of interaction and confrontation with each other. On the other hand, developments in the region are also very important for Iran, especially when Iran's relations with its neighbors in the Persian Gulf have improved, and we are witnessing a gradual reduction in tensions and a gradual increase in interaction between the parties.
Arman-e-Melli: Zionist lobbying in Canada
Arman-e-Melli talked to Hassan Hanizadeh, an international relations expert, about designating the IRGC as a terrorist entity by Canada and said: It seems that Israel played a serious role in making this decision by Canada. The American reaction shows that they also support this action and any action against the IRGC. The Americans are trying to convince the Europeans to consider the IRGC as terrorists. This possibility is very weak because this unilateral and hostile action will have very dangerous consequences for the peace, stability, and security of the region and the world because the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is making efforts to maintain and create security in the region. These efforts will benefit many countries outside the region. If the security role of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is ignored, it is not unlikely that terrorist groups will gain power again. This case is neither in the interest of the regional countries nor in the interest of the extra-regional military forces that are present in the region.
Sazandegi: The main challenge is to remove sanctions
In a note, Sazandegi discussed the upcoming challenges in Iran's foreign policy and quoted Ghasem Mohebali, a foreign policy expert, as saying: The undeniable fact is that the most important problem of our country at the moment is not being able to achieve economic development as a result of U.S. and European sanctions. One of the most important obstacles in this way is the future American government. If Trump comes to office, any government in Iran will face a serious challenge. Even if Biden comes to office again, he will experience his second term and can take risky actions with high costs. The main challenge of the future government is the lifting of sanctions, and this does not only include nuclear sanctions. For example, the human rights sanctions for Russia and Iran or the sanctions imposed over the support of resistance groups are among the sanctions that requires a comprehensive agreement.
Ham Mihan: The new Middle East
The Islamic Republic of Iran has come to believe that it can maintain its security only through increasing power and influence. Using the strategy of strategic depth, Iran is trying to move the front line of the battle outside its geographical borders to reduce the possibility of regional rivals and enemies attacking Iran directly. The Middle East has created a new atmosphere after what happened on October 7, 2023, which will destabilize the position of the countries of this region in the new Middle East if the foreign policy is not dynamic. Also, Iran has not been able to use its privileges. Those privileges made the United States send messages to Tehran several times to control the tension in the region. What is important is that the quality of the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the groups that have gained a sense of independence from Tehran during the developments of recent months are all dependent on the dynamics of Iran's foreign policy.