Quick response to the anti-Iranian resolution

June 15, 2024 - 22:0

TEHRAN - The Iran newspaper wrote in a note: The latest report of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which was published by the Reuters news agency, declared the installation of two uranium enrichment centrifuge cascades in the Fordow power plant.

This news, which the Iranian authorities have not yet reacted to, was published a few days after the IAEA's Board of Governors voted in favor of the European troika's resolution on Iran's nuclear case. This was although Iran hosted Rafael Grossi, the Director General of the Agency, whose presence led to new understandings for the revival of the joint statement. The attempt to approve the resolution by the Western member countries of the Agency was while these countries saw the martyrdom of the late president of Iran as a good opportunity to create a situation to approve the anti-Iranian resolution. It was expected that as Iran has proven in the past, none of the anti-Iranian actions of the Western countries will leave the agency unanswered.

Donya-e-Eqtesad: No one takes risks to take big steps

In an analysis, Donya-e-Eqtesad dealt with diminishing the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and said: More than a year after the agreement, it seems that efforts to restore relations have lost their acceleration, and many cases of disagreement, including disputes over maritime borders have not been resolved. One of these disputes is the exploitation and sale of gas from the Arash field located on the eastern sea border of Kuwait. Also, the deadlock over Iran's nuclear program has affected the progress of Iran-Saudi relations, and due to disagreements between Tehran and Washington regarding the sustainability of the lifting of sanctions, the agreement has reached a deadlock. On the other hand, Saudi officials have warned that Riyadh may pursue its nuclear program, which could start a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Now, if the two countries do not move forward based on the 2023 agreement, they can return to the tense period. Despite the differences, Tehran and Riyadh should start trust-building by cooperating in various fields. Better relations can facilitate increased economic interaction.

Hamshahri: America is looking for Iran's ghost fleet!

In a commentary, Hamshahri addressed the concern of the United States due to the unprecedented increase in Iran's oil sales and said: During the verbal dispute between the U.S. Secretary of State and the Senate senator in the Congress, the keyword "ghost fleet" was pointed out, which has been declared the cause of the increase in Iran's oil sales. One of the achievements of Raisi's government was declared unintentionally in Washington by the anti-Iranian senator Ted Cruz. In the meeting of the U.S. Congress, it was revealed that Iran's oil sales increased from 300,000 barrels per month to two million barrels. America claims that Iran has a large fleet of oil tankers that are transporting Iranian oil in waters around the world. Its name is Ghost Fleet. An organization called United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) has been formed in America, which is almost the largest active lobby against Iran. The mission of this organization is to put maximum pressure on Iran and make the Islamic Republic surrender. This organization has claimed that in November 2020, it identified 70 ships suspected of transporting Iranian crude oil/petroleum products, but now this list has increased to 416 ships, and this organization is desperate to identify these ships.

Jam-e-Jam: Endless displacement of the traitors

In an article, Jam-e-Jam discussed France's raid on the terrorist MKO group after Albania and wrote: The French government realized the existential danger of this terrorist group by the raid on MKO headquarters and in this way. After Albania and Iraq, this country has become the hell of this evil group. This series of actions shows a change in the countries' approach to interacting with MKO, and after Iran's empowerment in various fields, Western governments want to reduce tension with Iran so as not to cause problems in their regional relations. This incident indicates the humiliation of the anti-Iranian opposition to the extent that the authorities of European countries have realized that the Islamic Republic of Iran will not be defeated with the mobilization of several saboteurs and their coalition. Another important point is that even the opposition is not willing to cooperate with this terrorist group, that's why the European countries, knowing this barbaric organization, have refused to host them and in line with their national interests, they have launched campaigns to expel them, and now only a name is left of these American-Zionist mercenaries.