Poll: Most young Brits think Israel should not exist

June 7, 2024 - 22:32

A majority of young people in the UK do not believe that Israel should exist, a poll conducted by UnHerd has revealed, providing further evidence that support for the apartheid state has reached a record low, Midde East Monitor reported.

According to a recent YouGov survey, a mere 16 percent of the British public expressed solidarity with Israel.

The UnHerd survey polled 1,012 voters about foreign policy. One of the most striking findings was that a majority of Britain’s young people do not believe Israel should exist. A staggering 54 percent of respondents aged 18-24 have this opinion, while only 21 percent disagreed.

This sentiment is reflected further in another question from the poll, which asked who was more to blame for Israel’s military onslaught on the 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza. Half of the respondents blamed the Israeli regime, while only a quarter held Hamas responsible. A mere 19 percent responded with the view that all parties were equally to blame.