Tehran's serious reaction to the issuance of a resolution against Iran

May 31, 2024 - 18:49

TEHRAN - In a commentary, Shargh discussed the possible new action of the European troika to issue a resolution against Iran and wrote: The reason of European countries for issuing a resolution against Iran is so weak in international political conditions that even the United States, their main and permanent ally, is against it and believes that this action will only increase tension and increase Iran's nuclear activities, and on the other hand, will reduce the Agency's monitoring and access.

At the same time, any resolution issued by the Board of Governors will result in a serious and definite reaction from Iran, and the European countries and the United States should keep in mind that due to the international political developments, the escalation of tension with Iran is not in the interest of any of the parties, even at the technical and security level. It is time for these countries to consult with their ally, the United States, to return to the JCPOA and implement their commitments instead of using the resolution to force Iran to cooperate more because the way of Iran's greater cooperation with the Agency in the field of access and monitoring of activities is through political negotiations to revive the JCPOA and cancel sanctions. The insistence of the European troika and the United States on issuing a resolution in the Board of Governors sends a message to Iran that they will have a path other than reviving the JCPOA.

Siasat-e-Rooz: Old game with new claims

Siasat-e-Rooz devoted its editorial to the opposition and Western media's abuse of the European troika's possible resolution against Iran and said: After the publication of this news, some Western media and the Persian opposition started a joint media activity. This media game is based on Iranophobia, repeating the old claims that Iran is getting close to building a nuclear bomb and changing its nuclear strategy. These claims are made while the exact statistics of the Agency regarding the changes in the number of enriched reserves are clear evidence of Tehran's extensive and comprehensive cooperation with the Agency, which deserves to be appreciated as a global model, rather than a tool to repeat the Iranophobia lies. How do these media and their political masters claim to be concerned about the nuclear activity of a country like Iran, which has had the most cooperation and the highest inspections, while they have remained silent in the face of the Zionist regime's nuclear threats, the modernization of nuclear weapons by the owners of these weapons, and the eight months of Gaza genocide?!

Donya-e-Eqtesad: Relative peace will not dominate for long

In a note, Donya-e-Eqtesad investigated the National Interest magazine's report on the tensions between Tehran and Tel Aviv in the past few months. The paper said: According to this magazine, a direct confrontation between Israel and Iran has been neutralized. Since the complaints and differences between the two sides are not resolved, Iran's new policy of direct attacks and Israel's strong willingness to carry out security threats means that now it is only a matter of time and there may be a more deadly exchange of fire between the parties in the future. The United States and Israel must rethink their strategy to create an American-Arab-Israeli alliance against the Iranian axis. American-Arab partners have shown over the past year that they value relations with Iran. Finally, the creation of a more comprehensive regional forum for dialogue and diplomacy can provide the possibility of indirect dialogues. Also, opportunities such as a ceasefire can act as a catalyst for direct and indirect diplomacy.

Javan: The relations between Beijing and Tehran are reaching a higher level

In an analysis, Javan discussed the increase of relations between Iran and China and wrote: Currently, China and Iran are promoting the deep development of exchanges and cooperation in various fields with all their efforts. Therefore, this enriches the concept of bilateral relations and economic and commercial cooperation between China and Iran is still deepening. Cultural exchanges between China and Iran have many highlights and effectively increase the familiarity and friendship between the people of the two countries and strengthen social bonds. China and Iran strengthen coordination in regional and multilateral affairs. Thus, with the joint effort of China, Iran and Saudi Arabia, Iran and Saudi Arabia resumed their relations in the Middle East and this issue promoted regional security and stability. For a long time, China has decisively supported Iran's efforts to protect its national sovereignty and Iran's reasonable demands regarding JCPOA issues, as well as Iran's resistance to unilateralism and hegemony. China and Iran should continue to try to eliminate the interference and sabotage of foreign forces and promote their comprehensive strategic partnership to a high level.