European governments afraid of the dangerous consequences of IRGC designation

May 29, 2024 - 22:28

TEHRAN - In a note, Kayhan addressed the non-designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization by European governments and wrote: The difficulty in classifying the IRGC as a terrorist organization became clear after the direct attack of the Islamic Republic on Israel with drones and missiles in April.

Until recently, the diplomatic service of the European Union, headed by Josep Borrell, was hesitant to issue the ruling. Josep Borrell has been known to oppose the classification of IRGC as a terrorist organization in the European Union. One of the reasons for this is trying to convince the Islamic Republic to adhere to an agreement to limit the country's nuclear program, which aims to prevent the Islamic Republic from building a nuclear bomb. It is reminded that the IRGC was the biggest stabilizing and anti-terrorism force in the region, which reduced the evil of ISIS terrorist criminals from the people of the region and the world. On the other hand, the European governments know that if they make clear their enmity with the Revolution Guards, their soldiers and security contractors will be treated as terrorists in the region.

Etamed: The tense chapter of Iran and the Agency!

In a commentary, Etemad discussed the challenging days between Iran and the IAEA before the upcoming meeting of the Board of Governors and said: The International Atomic Energy Agency claims in a report that the negotiations with Iran over the country's nuclear program have been suspended. In recent years, relations between Iran and the IAEA have been full of tension, as the IAEA has consistently claimed that Iran prevents IAEA inspectors from accessing its nuclear facilities and has disabled monitoring devices there. It seems that the European powers, including the UK and France, are preparing a strong resolution against Iran in next week's meeting of the Board of Governors. This alleged action shows that the European troika intends to take a different approach from the United States toward Iran's nuclear program. Biden has asked other countries to refrain from approving this resolution because he does not want to escalate tensions with Iran over the nuclear program until the new president takes office in Iran and the new government is established. But what can be seen from the development process, there is a change in the desire of Iran and the United States to resume negotiations.

Iran: Iran's warning

The Iran newspaper wrote in an analysis: Tehran has determined one of the aspects of its recent understanding with the director general of the Agency to stay away from the political game of the West. This means that the recent negotiations in Iran will proceed only if Grossi prevents the Agency from being used as an agent to implement the scenario of the West, with the United States and the European troika, and this issue can be verified in his tone, positions and reports. On the other hand, it was determined that the plan and implementation of any understanding between Iran and the Agency would be limited to the safeguards’ provisions of this regulatory Agency and there would be no possibility to repeat the extra safeguards demands of the Agency from Iran. All this while the news being transmitted from Vienna about the attempt to approve the anti-Iranian resolution is against the cooperation formed during Grossi's visit to Iran. Therefore, the first step of the Director General to implement what he has agreed in Iran can be to prevent the approval of any anti-Iranian resolution and end the political movements of the Western countries of the Agency. Any wrong step towards Iran can lead to a counter-reaction from our country, which the Agency and Western countries will not have a chance to compensate for.

Jam-e-Jam: Reviving Iran-Saudi relations is a winning card of regional diplomacy

In an explanation, Jam-e-Jam dealt with the importance of reviving the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia and said: According to experts in the field of diplomacy, the improvement of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which was one of the traditional partners of the United States in the West Asia region, lays the foundation for a series of developments in the region and are the improvement of relations of parties with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Publishing news about the improvement of Iran's relationship with Bahrain and the revival of Tehran-Cairo relations originates from this strategic policy in the field of foreign policy. The revival of Iran-Saudi relations was the key to these developments, which firstly defeated American and Israeli policies and neutralized their sinister plans for the future of the strategic region of West Asia, after that, many regional issues, including the establishment of security in the Persian Gulf, were on the agenda. It was for this reason that the friendly, neighboring and enemy countries reached the consensus that Tehran's active diplomacy has a good command of all developments and no equation and agreement in West Asia can be achieved without Iran.