Iran's commitment to resistance forces unwavering despite loss of Raisi: interim president

May 26, 2024 - 22:11

TEHRAN - In the wake of the tragic loss of President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian in a helicopter crash, the Iranian government has reaffirmed its unwavering support for resistance groups, particularly those in Palestine.

Interim President Mohammad Mokhber conveyed this message during a telephone conversation with Ziad al-Nakhalah, Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement. Mokhber emphasized that the change in leadership would not alter Iran's fundamental strategy of backing the Resistance Front.

“The basic strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in backing the Resistance Front, especially the Palestinian resistance groups, will not alter by the change of people,” he asserted.

President Raisi and Minister Amir-Abdollahian, Mokhber noted, were steadfast advocates for the Palestinian cause and the protection of their inalienable rights. Mokhber added that the two officials dedicated their efforts in regional and international fora to defending the Palestinians against Israeli aggression.

The interim president reiterated Iran's belief that resistance is the most effective means of countering Israeli crimes and occupation. He expressed confidence that the Iranian nation would overcome this tragedy with the guidance of its capable officials and the unwavering support of its revolutionary people.

Nakhalah extended his condolences to the Iranian government and people, expressing his belief that Iran's strength and resilience would enable it to prevail in the face of adversity. He lauded President Raisi and Minister Amir Abdollahian for their unwavering support of the Palestinian resistance and their dedication to the Iranian nation's interests.

“Martyr Raisi and Martyr Amir Abdollahian were always on the frontline in defending the interests of the Iranian nation and supporting the resistance,” he added.

The two officials along with six others embraced martyrdom on May 19, when their helicopter crashed in foggy weather in the mountains near the northwestern border with Azerbaijan. The charred wreckage of the aircraft was found the following day.