The obstacles between Tehran and the IAEA

TEHRAN - In an analysis, Etemad discussed the recent visit of Rafael Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency to Iran and the relations between Tehran and the Agency and said: Fears and hopes have increased for a better understanding between Iran and the IAEA regarding the nuclear program.
Both sides are hopeful but they have reacted cautiously to the process of progress in achieving this understanding. Grossi has suggested to the Iranian authorities to focus on very tangible and practical measures that can be implemented in order to speed up cooperation. The conditions of the region and the war in Ukraine and Gaza have caused the negotiations on Iran's nuclear program and reaching a new agreement to face failure so far. A group of observers say that the failure of nuclear negotiations in recent years is mainly due to Iran's mistrust of the West's intentions and the lack of constructive guarantees from the American government. Also, the support of the United States to the Israeli regime has made Iran more suspicious of its intentions. According to Grossi, Iran and the UN nuclear observer continue to negotiate to end the deadlock on many issues between them, and they should "soon" agree on some measures.
Shargh: Taliban pressure on Iran with water lever
In a note, Shargh discussed the dam constructions in Afghanistan and the Taliban's pressure on Iran with the "water" lever and quoted Abolfazl Zohrevand, the former ambassador of Iran to Afghanistan, as saying: The Taliban is a geopolitical tool of the West and their goal is not to establish stability, security, and positive change. The continuation of Afghanistan's dam construction on the shared rivers between the two countries and its impact on Iran has been predictable. Now the Taliban is cooperating against Iran with the United States. Their idea is that Iran is vulnerable in terms of water and they intend to use water as a lever of pressure against Iran in disrupting the geopolitical capacity of the region and moving people in the eastern borders of Iran. It means they use both the terrorism component and the water component against Iran. Therefore, Iran's diplomacy should be active in response to these actions of Afghanistan because they seek to develop a terrorist movement against Iran, China, Russia, and the entire region.
Kayhan: JCPOA was a tool to weaken Iran
In an article, Kayhan dealt with the JCPOA and the recent statements of John Kerry, the Secretary of State of the Obama administration, and wrote: According to JCPOA supporters, the JCPOA could represent how Iran without sanctions can be different economically, socially and dynamically, even in terms of national security. Economic ties and presence in the global economy create security. They claim that sanctions make the society of Iran disappointed and the economic inactive. But in his recent statements, John Kerry called Trump's decision to unilaterally withdraw from the JCPOA a disastrous move and said that this action has reduced the security of Americans. “When Trump rejected the demands of our closest allies and withdrew the United States from the JCPOA, he created a more dangerous region, empowered Iran, and isolated the United States instead of isolating Tehran,” he said. The meaning of this statement is that the JCPOA aimed to make Iran weaker and America stronger, and the global consensus against Iran has always intended to constantly put pressure on Iran by threatening sanctions and demanding new blackmail.
Iran: Possible agreement between Iran and the Agency before the meeting of the Board of Governors
In a commentary, the Iran newspaper pointed out the issue of a possible agreement between Iran and the IAEA and wrote: Iran and the IAEA are trying to conclude their consultations to draft the continuation of interactions based on the March joint statement before presenting the periodical report of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency to the Board of Governors. For this reason, it is possible that even in the coming days, Tehran will witness the presence of some officials of the International Atomic Energy Agency for further consultation regarding this draft. According to this draft, the activities and cooperation between Iran and the Agency will be followed in three sectors from now on. The first part is the past cases that were closed in the JCPOA document in the form of the PMD file (probable military dimensions of Iran's nuclear program). The second part is related to the existing conditions, in which the necessary countermeasures will be taken within the framework of safeguards and NPT, and the third part is related to the director general of the Agency, who should be effective as a facilitator and corrector to remove obstacles and solve problems which are mainly political.