WFP: Northern Gaza in 'full-blown' famine

May 4, 2024 - 21:25

The UN World Food Program (WFP) director has said the comprehensive famine in northern Gaza might spread south.

Northern Gaza is experiencing "full-blown" famine, according to the WFP Director Cindy McCain. 

"Whenever you have conflicts like this, and emotions rage high, and things happen in a war, famine happens," she said during an interview with NBC. 

"What I can explain to you is - is that there is famine - full-blown famine - in the north." 

McCain warned mass starvation was "moving its way south", where the vast majority of Gaza's population has fled fighting.  

Human Rights Watch recently reported that children were dying from starvation-related complications in Gaza, accusing Israel of using starvation as a "weapon of war" - a war crime under international law.  

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell also said in March that Israel was "provoking famine" as a weapon of war. 

The WFP director pointed to severe food shortages and food insecurity in northern Gaza, saying the people needed "water, sanitation, medicine."