Operation True Promise fortified Iran’s authority: commander

April 30, 2024 - 22:20

TEHRAN – The deputy commander of Iran’s Air Defense Force has emphasized the significance of Operation True Promise in showcasing Iran’s authority.

"Today, with unwavering reliance on Iranian weaponry, homegrown expertise, and the steadfast resolve of our brave Iranian compatriots, we stand poised to safeguard our nation's security," Brigadier General Alireza Elhami said on Monday.

He continued, "Our military personnel, particularly those in the Air Defense Force, are fully committed to their duties, demonstrating unwavering dedication to protecting our people and borders."

Highlighting the heightened readiness of the army, especially the air defense unit, Elhami reiterated, "Today, as we rely entirely on home-grown equipment and we face no doubts in ensuring our nation's security."

Emphasizing the readiness to counter any aggression, Elhami stressed, "Our indigenous equipment and the resolute determination of our soldiers are primed to respond forcefully to any threat to our nation's sovereignty, defending our borders with utmost vigor."

Elhami further underscored the significance of Operation True Promise as a testament to the far-sightedness of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, noting, "The Leader's call for 'strengthening forces' resonates deeply, and Operation True Promise exemplifies this directive, not only showcasing the country’s authority but also uplifting the spirits of our people."

He emphasized the collective responsibility for strengthening across all domains, stating, "Strengthening is incumbent upon all managers, especially in the military sphere, as directed by the Leader. 

Regarding the nation's strategic objectives, Elhami emphasized, "We must align our efforts with the lofty goals of the nation and the ideals of the new Islamic civilization, adapting to meet the evolving needs of today."

Elhami reaffirmed the commitment to defending the country's airspace with dignity, stating, "We spare no effort in fulfilling our mission with dignity and authority, independent of external forces."

Acknowledging progress in the air defense units, Elhami commended the extensive construction projects and activities underway, stating, "Significant strides have been made in construction projects, with notable advancements in combat readiness activities."