Iran slams Western countries ‘double standards’

April 19, 2024 - 21:45

TEHRAN- The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman has criticized the U.S. and European leaders, together with the G7 ministers, for their inconsistent and contradictory views on the latest events in the West Asia region.

Nasser Kanaani, in a statement on Thursday, took aim at some European leaders, the finance ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) countries, and some European and American officials for issuing remarks and making accusations against Iran about the current events in West Asia.

“Such stances and claims are in accordance with the well-established approach of these circles and are based on their double and contradictory standards and behaviors,” he declared, vehemently rejecting the charges.

Kanaani expressed rue that the so-called claimants and harbingers of international rights and standards adopted a passive stance on the aggressor Zionist regime in reaction to the regime’s recent attack on Iran’s diplomatic premises in Damascus, which was a “gross violation of the provisions of the UN Charter and international conventions.”

“Following that, they condemned Iran’s legitimate move and proportionate and deterrent response to the source of the armed aggression,” the spokesman noted, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

Kanaani also stressed that “expressing concern for peace, security, and stability in the region and the world by governments such as the U.S. and several European countries, that have been the perpetrators and supporters of the biggest wars, occupations and insecurities in West Asia for over half a century, and have backed and provided immunity to the occupying, apartheid and criminal regime of Israel above all international law and resolutions, is ridiculous.”

Kanaani asserted that the EU leaders and G7 member states should have appreciated Iran for “its proportionate and legitimate action in punishing the aggressor and stop providing blind support for the Zionist regime that threatens regional and international peace and security.”

In addition, he urged them to “show compassion and solidarity with the Palestinian people who are oppressed and the families of over 100,000 Palestinians who have been killed, injured, or gone missing as a result of six months of crimes and genocide committed by the Israeli regime in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in Palestine.”

“The European officials and G7 member states know well that the occupation of Palestine and the crimes the Zionist regime has committed in the occupied territories for several decades by depriving the oppressed Palestinian people of their basic and inalienable rights is the main root cause of the crisis and instability in West Asia and, of course, on a larger scale in the world,” the Iranian spokesperson emphasized.

Kanaani added that “certainly, the issue of regional and international security will not be resolved by the U.S. and Europe ignoring the evident facts and making unfounded accusations against others.”

The spokesman stated that “if the U.S., the EU, and the G7 member states are truly interested in long-term peace and stability in West Asia and the Red Sea, they should confront the aggressions and intimidation of the Zionist regime rather than accusing others.”

He issued a warning, saying, “It is obvious that there will be no clear perspective on the path towards sustainable peace in the region and the world as long as there is no determination to put a halt to the crimes committed by the Israeli regime and the flagrant breach of international regulations by the Zionists.”

The spokesman emphasized that Iran’s military forces and government will uphold international law and norms while continuing to act responsibly for regional and global peace and security.

During his weekly press conference on Monday, Kanaani addressed Iran’s recent actions against the Zionist regime. 

He highlighted that Iran’s response was deemed “necessary and proportionate,” with a focus on military targets aimed at deterring and punishing aggressors.

Speaking to reporters, Kanaani reiterated Iran’s commitment to international standards and laws, emphasizing the attack’s alignment with Iran’s inherent right to self-defense under the United Nations charter. 

Kanaani highlighted that Tehran had issued necessary warnings before the assault, and Iran's armed forces operated with professionalism, logic, and responsibility.

Describing Iran as a “security-creating power,” Kanaani emphasized Tehran’s expectation for logical and responsible responses from Washington and European countries. He urged these countries to acknowledge the legitimacy and rationale behind Iran's actions.