Intl. Quds Day marked worldwide

April 5, 2024 - 22:30
Protesters condemn Israeli genocide in Gaza

TEHRAN- Millions of people across the world held huge rallies to mark International Quds Day to express solidarity with Palestinian people and condemn Israeli crimes.

The event which falls on the last Friday of the fasting month of Ramadan is commemorated by Palestinian supporters every year.  
But, Israel’s genocidal war on the Gaza Strip has attached significance to this year’s rallies. 

Pakistanis support Palestine 

In Pakistan, political parties including Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) and Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen (MWM) staged rallies across the country in support of the Palestinians and against the Israeli aggression on Gaza. 

The protests were held in different cities including Quetta, Muzaffarabad, Kashmore, Bhalwal, Parachinar, Chichawatni, Rajanpur and Jacobabad.
On the occasion of International Quds Day, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif called on the international community to exert pressure on Israel to halt its oppression of the

Palestinian people in Gaza.

He underscored Pakistan's unwavering backing for Palestine, advocating for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.
The premier pointed to decades-long Israeli occupation of Palestine and denounced the international community’s silence in the face of human rights violations by the regime. 

‘End genocide’

On the outskirts of Srinagar in Indian controlled Kashmir, Muslims slammed the Israeli massacres in Gaza. They called for ending the Israeli violence and genocide in the Palestinian territory. 

A massive rally also took place in Mumbai. The protesters expressed support for the Palestinians and their cause. They also slammed the Israeli genocide in Gaza which has left 33,000 people dead since October 7.

U.S. complicity 

Indonesia was also the scene of protests against Israel on Quds Day. 

The protesters denounced the regime’s war of genocide on Gaza. They blamed the U.S. for standing by the regime.

The demonstrators displayed a poster depicting President Joe Biden as a clown during a rally outside the U.S. embassy in Jakarta.

Malaysians also rallied to express solidarity with Palestinian people and the cause of Palestine.  

In Thailand, people took part in a rally in support of Palestinians in front of the Israeli embassy in Bangkok. 

Bahrainis demand closure of Israeli embassy 

Bahraini people also hit the streets to voice support for Palestinians, particularly the residents of the Gaza Strip. They condemned the Israeli brutality against the Gazans. 

The protesters called for the closure of the Israeli embassy in Manama and the expulsion of the regime’s diplomats from the Arab country. 

Bahrain and the Israeli regime established diplomatic relations in 2020 as part of the United States-brokered Abraham Accords.

U.S.-Israel savagery 
Millions of Yemenis also marked International Quds Day. Protesters in the capital Sana'a condemned Israel’s brutal war on Gaza. 

In a statement, the protesters said the Palestinian nation has been subjected to the U.S.-Israeli genocide for six months. 

The statement called on all Arab and Islamic countries to fulfill their responsibilities in the face of the savagery of the U.S. and the Israeli regime.

Other countries in the Arab world including Iraq and Jordan saw huge protests on International Quds Day. 

Slamming vicious crimes 

Protesters in Tanzania's coastal city of Dar es Salaam also rallied as they were holding the Palestinian flag. 
The protesters chanted anti-Israeli slogans and condemned the regime’s vicious crimes against Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. 

Nigerian police attack protesters 

The Quds Day rallies in Nigeria turned deadly as police clashed with protesters. 

Reports suggest security forces killed several people in the city of Kaduna who were protesting against the Israeli crimes. 

Police used tear gas and water cannon to disperse the pro-Palestine demonstrators. 

Pro-Palestine march in UK

Europe also saw rallies marking International Quds Day. 

In the UK, demonstrators gathered outside the Home Office in Marsham Street before heading into Horseferry Road, along Millbank, past the front of the Houses of Parliament and finishing in Whitehall where speeches took place. 

Prior to the rallies, more than 500 officers were deployed in central London.

In Poland, protesters held banners as they gathered to spend night near the U.S. Consulate in Krakow to protest against Israeli attacks in Gaza.