By Mohammad Ali Senobari

Russian elections: Continuation of Putin's Successful Legacy

March 17, 2024 - 17:54

In the vast chessboard of global politics, Russia's strategic position has been honed under the guidance of President Vladimir Putin, emerging as a key element in counterbalancing the expanding influence of Western powers. This is particularly evident in response to the actions of American and European countries, notably France and Poland, which have openly expressed their intent to bolster the waning military position of Ukraine by deploying NATO forces to the region.

The Kremlin views such actions as a direct affront to Russia's sovereignty and sphere of influence. Moreover, the Israeli genocidal war in Gaza and the unconditional Western support for these crimes, have reinforced the perception among the Russian public and government of Israel's alignment with the West. This view is further strengthened by the substantial military, logistical, and financial support that Israel has extended to Ukraine, illustrating the intricate network of alliances. It underscores the imperative for effective leadership in Russia to develop a well-rounded foreign policy strategy for the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Unity Against the West: A Tale of Elections and Solidarity

The consensus among the Russian populace regarding the need for a coherent and robust response to Western threats is evident. This collective consciousness mirrors an understanding of the imminent geopolitical threats facing Russia and acknowledges the importance of upholding Putin's successful legacy. Putin's presidency has been marked by endeavors to strengthen Russia's global stance in the face of Western objectives. The years under Putin's leadership have seen Russia not only adopting a resilient and effective posture against sanctions and diplomatic isolation but also strategically expanding its influence.

Against the backdrop of these political complexities and military alignments, the significance of the imminent Russian presidential elections is magnified. With an anticipated voter turnout of 71%, the election is expected to mirror the Russian electorate's confidence in their leadership. Vladimir Putin, alongside candidates from the Communist Party, the New People's Party, and the Liberal Democracy Party, represents the spectrum of political parties in Russia. The Russian Public Opinion Research Center predicts Putin's victory with 82% of the vote, a reflection of the electorate's desire for continuity and stability in tumultuous times. This anticipated victory symbolizes not merely a procedural event but a robust endorsement by Russian voters of a unified front against Western interventions. The presence of approximately 200 international observers underscores the Kremlin's commitment to transparency, aiming to legitimize the election outcomes amid Western interventions.

The confluence of Russia's strategic priorities and electoral dynamics paints a vivid narrative of a nation at a critical crossroads. As Russia gears up for the presidential elections, the international community watches with keen interest, cognizant of the broader ramifications of Putin's likely re-election. The anticipated results signal the perpetuation of Russia's assertive foreign policy and its resolute posture in the face of Western pressure.

Decline or collapse of the partnership with Israel?

The logistical, military, and financial support that Israel has extended to Ukrainian neo-nazi forces amidst the conflict with Russia stands as a significant point of contention for the Kremlin. This support is perceived as a clear alignment with Western interests, notably those of the United States, effectively positioning Israel within the Western bloc.

Israel has equipped Ukraine with a missile early warning system designed to alert the Ukrainians about incoming Russian missiles. This system has been integrated with the Ukrainian military radar and air defense networks, enabling faster and more precise alerts. Additionally, Israel has contributed substantial assistance in the realms of drones and cyber defense to counter Russian offensives. It has also provided logistical support to Ukrainian military forces, particularly in intelligence operations, identifying targets, and thwarting Russian military strikes.

These actions by Israel have led Russia to reconsider Israel's role and influence in the Middle East and contemplate measures to potentially undermine it. The current sentiment in Russia equates Netanyahu and Zelensky as two sides of the same coin, both engaged in committing crimes, perpetuating wars, and acting against Russian interests.

Russia's involvement in addressing the conflict in Gaza, acting as a mediator and critiquing US policy, illustrates its attempt to offset Western influence and reaffirm its strategic interests in the region. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has condemned the Israeli military operations in Gaza as violations of international law. Lavrov has also warned that the destruction of Gaza and the displacement of its population would result in a long-term catastrophe. Moreover, Russia has vocally criticized the United States for obstructing international ceasefire initiatives in the Security Council.

Towards Mitigating the Destructive American Influence in the Middle East

Russia has adeptly established a significant presence in the Middle East, aiming to bolster cooperation in foreign trade, oil, and gas, and strategically positioning itself as a counterbalance to American influence in the region. The forthcoming presidential term is anticipated to further these trends, carrying major implications for both regional and global geopolitics.

Russia has been proactive in enhancing its trade relationships with Middle Eastern nations, including Iran and the Gulf states. The foundation of these relationships often rests on energy cooperation, as energy is deemed a crucial pillar of Russia's engagement in the Middle East. Given the region's wealth in oil and gas, Russia has embarked on what is termed energy diplomacy. This approach utilizes its vast energy resources and sector expertise to forge alliances, secure economic deals, bolster its geopolitical standing, and widen markets and partnerships in the Middle East.

A central aspect of Russian foreign policy over the past decade has been its efforts to counterbalance American influence globally, particularly in the Middle East. This strategy encompasses diplomatic initiatives, military support for allies, and economic agreements. The destructive role of the United States in the Middle East has led significant regional powers, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Jordan, and Egypt, to advocate for an enhanced Russian presence, viewing it as preferable to exploitative American involvement in the region.

In conclusion, the upcoming presidential elections in Russia are not just an internal matter, but rather a pivotal event with far-reaching implications for global geopolitics. A potential victory for Putin would signify the continuation of Russia's assertive foreign policy, influencing various geopolitical dynamics from the Israel-Gaza relationship to the conflict in Ukraine, and reshaping the geopolitical landscape in the Middle East.