By Wesam Bahrani

Biden stands to lose election for backing Gaza genocide

March 10, 2024 - 22:19
U.S. president’s support for Tel Aviv backfires with his voters

TEHRAN- U.S. President Joe Biden has spent the best part of his long career in politics, offering unwavering support for the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.

Last year, the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth published an insightful piece on former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin’s trip to Washington in 1982 following the Israeli military invasion of Lebanon. 

Apparently, not many in Congress expressed such intense approval of the Israeli invasion and subsequent deadly occupation of Beirut than the then-senator Biden. 

Begin recalls a conversation with Senator Biden in detail to Yedioth Ahronoth. 

“Suddenly, he [Biden] said ‘What did you do in Lebanon? You annihilated what you annihilated.’ 

“Biden continued ‘It was great! It had to be done! If attacks were launched from Canada into the United States, everyone here would have said, Attack all the cities of Canada, and we don’t care if all the civilians get killed.’” 

According to media reports, since the report surfaced in 2022, even Begin was surprised at Biden’s attempts to justify the killing of women and children. 

The revelation suggests that Biden would have turned a blind eye to genocide back in 1982. Perhaps using Canada was not the most suitable case example, but the American president does have a history of making gaffes in public, let alone in private. 

His love for the Israeli occupation stretches to this day as Tel Aviv wages another genocidal campaign, this time in Gaza where a record number of alarming statistics and war crimes have been recorded in such a small period of time. 

Unfortunately for the man sitting in the Oval Office, today's news is much more easily accessible for the American public than in 1982, in particular the footage emerging on TV from Gaza where much of the encalve has been reduced to rubble and most of the 2.3 million population have been displaced, with the UN warning of disease and starvation. 

Five months into the Israeli military’s unrelenting air and ground assault, health authorities have said more than 31,000 Palestinians have been killed, nearly 73,000 others injured, and thousands more trapped under the rubble. 

The majority of the victims have been Palestinian women and children, while a rising number of infants are dying from starvation. 

Images of traumatized children are hitting a record number of views on social media and being broadcast like wildfire on national news channels across the world. 

As the Israeli occupation’s number one fan, Biden has delivered more than 100 arms packages to Tel Aviv and blocked ceasefire attempts, but these moves will backfire on his presidential campaign? 

His overall popularity has plummeted to a record low. 

Perhaps what will be of more concern for Biden is that he is losing support from within his own voter base, who doesn’t share his vision toward the relentless Israeli air and ground assault on Gaza. 

This has been reflected in recent surveys indicating more Americans oppose Washington’s support for Tel Aviv, the latest being a poll published by the Center for Economic and Policy Research that found nearly two-thirds (62%) of Americans who voted for Biden “oppose his arms sales to Israel”. 

Only 14% of Biden’s voters support authorizing “arms sales to Israel” with 24% of self-identified Biden voters remain unsure. 

The majority of Americans, regardless of party allegiance, say Biden “should halt weapons shipments to Israel,” according to the poll. 

That should come as a major concern for the incumbent president’s campaign team ahead of the election this year, which at this rate appears likely to see him struggle to cling on to a second term in office. 

Americans are expressing stronger views on Gaza where a genocidal Israeli war has plunged the Palestinian territory into a humanitarian catastrophe. 

Footage of some of the nearly 20,000 traumatized children, with visual wounds on their faces and hidden wounds in their souls, who have also been left orphaned while searching helplessly for their dead parents may come back to haunt Biden on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. 

The other soul-searching question on the minds of many activists and protesters that have been hitting the streets in the Western world on a weekly basis is whether Biden actually cares?