National authority key to safeguarding Iran’s rights: military advisor

March 9, 2024 - 21:35

TEHRAN- A military advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces has emphasized the indispensable role of national authority and strength, asserting that in dealing with corrupt powers, it is imperative to speak the language of power.

Addressing a gathering of high-ranking Army officials, Brigadier General Amir Hatami underscored the pivotal role of power and national authority in safeguarding the nation. 

He credited the progress and resilience witnessed in Iran to the Islamic Revolution, highlighting advancements in various sectors despite facing sanctions.

General Hatami praised the commendable readiness of the Air Force, noting significant advancements such as the integration of night vision equipment and deployment of long-range missiles, attributing these achievements to the determined efforts of the military leadership.

Emphasizing the Air Force's historical role as guardians of Islam and defenders of Iran's values, General Hatami commended their unwavering commitment to peace and security, particularly in times of threat and peril.

Regarding the ongoing crisis in Gaza, he criticized the disregard for human rights exhibited by certain nations and emphasized the necessity of responding with strength and national authority to defend Iran's interests.

Quoting the Islamic Revolution's Leader, General Hatami stressed the importance of bolstering strength to ensure national security and protect the Islamic Revolution's ideals and achievements.

In discussing the components of power, the general highlighted the military's pivotal role in safeguarding economic, political, and cultural aspects. 

Reflecting on history, General Hatami warned against the consequences of a nation's inability to defend itself, citing past instances where Iran suffered due to weakness and dependency on foreign powers.

Highlighting Iran's strategic importance in West Asia, he referenced past aggressions and emphasized the nation's resilience in the face of external threats, particularly during the Iran-Iraq War.

In conclusion, General Hatami stressed the importance of adapting to technological advancements while commending the strategic leadership for enhancing the Army's combat capabilities and preparedness.