Tehran, Damascus highlight significance of implementing joint projects

February 26, 2024 - 22:31

TEHRAN- The Syrian prime minister and Iran’s ambassador to Syria on Monday underscored the need to follow up on the implementation of agreements and memorandums of understanding between Tehran and Damascus based on the timetable in a way that ensures the common interests of both countries.

According to the official Syrian news agency SANA, Syrian Prime Minister Hussein Arnous and Ambassador Hossein Akbari also called for enhancing cooperation in energy, transportation, trade and banking sectors and raising levels of coordination in various economic fields.

The ambassador expressed the desire and readiness of many Iranian companies to work in the Syrian market and provide everything that contributes to supporting the Syrian economy in the face of the blockade.

Iran’s envoy also emphasizes that Tehran will continue to propose any solution that would help strengthen the Syrian economy in dealing with Western sanctions and lifting the economic siege on the country.

Arnous, for his part, stressed the Syrian government’s interest in taking all measures to develop bilateral cooperation and open new horizons for cooperation in all fields, pointing to the importance of launching joint projects that would benefit both sides.

He also said that the Syrian government is eager to take all necessary measures to develop bilateral cooperation with Tehran and remove obstacles to this cooperation.

The Syrian primer emphasized the importance of launching joint projects that are beneficial for both countries, adding that Damascus is striving to create new horizons for cooperation with Tehran in all areas.

During the meeting, the development of cooperation in energy, transportation, trade and banking exchanges, and increasing coordination in various economic fields were discussed and reviewed.

Furthermore, discussions were held on creating industrial investment plans, including the construction of tractors, tires, iron, powdered milk, and other priority projects that help meet the needs of the Syrian market and domestic production.

Last week, Akbari asserted that Tehran can fulfill certain internal requirements via cooperation with Damascus.

The ambassador underscored Syria’s pivotal role as a strategic ally across multiple spheres including politics, security, military, and economics. 

Akbari also highlighted Syria’s potential in trade and economy, noting that economic collaboration became a focal point following President Raisi’s visit to Syria in early May.

The close political alignment between Iran and Syria has laid a strong foundation for bolstering economic ties, further solidifying their strategic partnership.

Iran’s robust mining sector has presented a promising opportunity for Syria, which has faced significant material shortages in the aftermath of years of civil conflict. 

Additionally, Iran’s technological prowess can contribute significantly to Syria’s reconstruction efforts.

Furthermore, Syria’s unique geopolitical position at the crossroads of Asia, Europe, and Africa positions it as a potential gateway for Iran to access markets across these continents.

The restoration of Syria, with Iran playing a leading role, has the potential to deepen the collaboration between these strategic allies, enhancing economic, military, and security cooperation.