Iranian political thriller “The Opposition” on screen in Beirut

February 25, 2024 - 22:4

TEHRAN-The public screening of the Iranian film “The Opposition” directed by Amir-Abbas Rabiei started in Beirut, Lebanon, on February 23.

A number of Lebanese artists attended the opening night of the film at the Risalat Cultural Center in Beirut, and honored director Rabiei and actor Nader Soleimani who were also present at the event, IRNA reported.

A 2022 production of Soureh Cinema Organization, the film is a story from the purity of love to the madness of politics at the heart of a historical event.

In the political thriller, Saeed, who was an official member of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran, also known as Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization, two years ago, now works as an agent for the Islamic Republic Party after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Everything goes according to the organization's routine, when Saeed accidentally meets his fiancée, who left Iran two years ago, and is forced to hide his true identity from her and keep her secret from the organization. Amid this secrecy, Saeed, according to the order, provides the party with building plans for the assassination of Shahid Beheshti, but apparently, this is not enough and he has to do more. To prove his loyalty to the organization, Saeed shows that he can be against everything; Anti-homeland, anti-people, anti-humanity, and anti-love.

The second feature film by Rabiei has Mehdi Nosrati, Leila Zare, Linda Kiyani, Nader Soleimani, Majid Pataki, Roozbeh Reofi, Emad Darvishi, Mahshid Javadi, Shirin Aghakashi and Amin Khani in the cast among others.

The 114-minute film premiered at the 40th Fajr Film Festival in 2022 and won two Crystal Simorgh Awards for Best Supporting Actor and Best Stage Design among seven nominations.