Continuation of the sabotage project with psychological operations

February 16, 2024 - 22:23

TEHRAN - In a note, the Iran newspaper addressed the failure of the sabotage attack on the gas transmission pipeline in two provinces of the country and wrote: The enthusiastic presence of the Iranian people in the 22 Bahman (11 February) rally has, as usual, angered the enemies of our country.

Creating insecurity and sabotage in the country is the goal that anti-Iranian groups and hostile intelligence services have pursued in the past few years. Clearly, the aim of the chaos employers is to sabotage, instill insecurity in society and disturb the public minds of the Iranian people. Basically, a project of insecurity and sabotage is successful when it can make a societal anxious. Taking revenge for the failures of last year's riots and the failure to promote insecurity due to terrorist acts in some parts of the country, along with taking revenge on the 13th government for work and activity and preventing citizens' gas from being cut off on the coldest days of the year, are the goals that the contractors of sabotage projects pursue to attack the security of Iranians, goals that become smaller and smaller in their eyes every day and will have no other result for them than disappointment and sadness.

Arman-e-Melli: Intensification of tension between Iran and America

In an interview with an international relations analyst Hassan Beheshtipour, Arman-e-Melli dealt with the increase of the tension between Iran and the United States and said: The Americans have repeatedly stated their unwillingness to go to war with Iran. Because they have understood well, that such an action would increase tensions in the region and widen the scope of hostilities and war. On the other hand, due to the upcoming presidential elections, the price for Washington to enter into a war whose outcome is not clear will be costly. However, it should not be overlooked that while Washington's level of safekeeping is high regarding the non-intervention of military forces against Tehran, it is Tel Aviv that, with its maximum efforts, is determined to provide a new trap and enter Iran into a direct war; because currently, the public atmosphere of the world has become extremely negative for Israel due to the crimes that happened in Gaza, and Netanyahu is trying to move this atmosphere to another way by creating a new adventure.

Shargh: different positions in the Agency

Shargh devoted its headline to the different positions of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding Iran's nuclear activities and said: While all the attention is focused on the war between Hamas and Israel and the killings in the Gaza Strip, sometimes Rafael Grossi's positions make Iran's nuclear case back to the top of the news again. He claimed that Iran "is not completely transparent" about its nuclear program. He said earlier that the enrichment of uranium with 60% purity by Iran is slowing down a bit. Considering the false positions and claims against Tehran, we are now witnessing a political and diplomatic fluctuation between Biden's behavior in creating tension with Tehran and the continued escalation of Tehran-Agency challenges. Because they neither want to issue a resolution against Iran nor change their position. It is also possible to analyze the possibility that what was raised in the report of the last days of the agency against Iran's nuclear program in the middle of the conflict between Hamas and Israel would be the agenda for 2024 vis-a-vis Tehran.

Javan: The failures of the reveler son of Pahlavi in the political scene

In an analysis, Javan discussed the failure of the plan to re-establish a coalition among the saboteur opposition centered on Reza Pahlavi and wrote: Recently, it was declared that the plan to re-establish a coalition among the opposition centered on Reza Pahlavi has failed and this plan has not been well welcomed even among the opposition in social networks. Some of the opposition argue that basically the actions of Pahlavi and his family against Iran are not aimed at politics, but their ultimate goal is to receive money and funds from the stupid supporters of monarchism as well as Western regimes. Last year, the Charter of Solidarity centered on Reza Pahlavi suffered a heavy defeat. Because both the common point of the signatories of this anti-Iranian charter was to request more sanctions and a military attack on the country, and part of the opposition called it a charter for the separation of Iran. In general, Reza Pahlavi's political record is full of failures and disgraces, and many elements of the opposition have concluded that he should abandon any political action and continue his revelries with the property looted from the Iranian people and become a subject in the opposition theater for fun and laughter.