8th MKO trial held, unveiling new dimensions of crimes

January 30, 2024 - 21:42

TEHRAN- The eighth hearing of the trial session of 104 Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) members exposed further dimensions of the anti-Iranian group's nefarious actions.

The proceedings, held in the eleventh branch of Tehran's Criminal Court under the direction of Judge Dehghani, with court advisors Morteza Tork and Amin Naseri, shed light on the MKO's true nature as a rogue entity.

Addressing the court, Judge Dehghani remarked on the MKO's persistent claims of political legitimacy, emphatically stating that the group has never engaged in genuine political activism. Instead, it has functioned as a murderous tool, aligned with the CIA and the Pahlavi regime, acting against the interests of the Iranian nation.

Following the indictment's recitation, the court allowed legal representatives to present their arguments.

In his presentation, Prosecutor's Representative Amin Vaziri introduced Morteza Fakhar, the 90th defendant in the case, highlighting his prominent role in the MKO's activities, particularly in the aftermath of the Islamic Revolution.

Fakhar, according to Vaziri, initially worked in the group's propaganda department before fleeing Iran and joining the MKO's headquarters in Iraq. He played a significant part in the organization's numerous terrorist operations against Iranian citizens.

Vaziri specifically highlighted Fakhar's involvement in the assassination of Mohammad Hassan Beheshtinejad, where he was tasked with identifying the target, locating his residence, and tracking his movements.

Furthermore, Vaziri presented Seyyed Asadollah Faqih Dezfuli, the 91st defendant, as another key figure in the MKO's operations. Dezfuli, recruited before the Islamic Revolution, was responsible for securing and managing the organization's headquarters. He is currently sought by Interpol under a red notice.

The court's proceedings continue to unravel the MKO's extensive criminal network and its disregard for human life and national sovereignty.

The MKO has conducted numerous terrorist attacks against Iranian civilians and government officials following the Islamic Revolution's triumph in 1979. 

Over the past four decades, nearly 17,000 Iranians have been killed in terrorist incidents, with around 12,000 falling victim to the MKO's brutal acts of terror, which tragically targeted innocent women and children.

In 2012, the group was delisted from the U.S. roster of terrorist organizations, signifying Washington's decision to engage with the notorious terrorist group in efforts aimed at undermining the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

Subsequently, the EU also removed the organization from its list of terrorist entities.

The MKO, which was initially based in Iraq after fleeing Iran, had its headquarters raided by Albanian Police in June. Albanian authorities, who had been hosting the group under a U.S.-brokered deal since 2016, accused the entity of “terror and cyber-attacks” against foreign institutions. They also imposed entry bans against MKO’s main ringleader, Maryam Rajavi.