Raisi calls on bodies to mobilize their facilities to protect youth

January 28, 2024 - 21:42

TEHRAN - Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has urged relevant bodies to take action to protect the youth of the country.

Speaking on Sunday, President Raisi told organizations that they can use their facilities and capacities to implement the law to protect the youth.

He praised the efforts of the organizations that have already implemented the law and emphasized the importance of continuing these efforts.

President Raisi pointed to the important role of cultural development in encouraging people to have children, saying that the wrong cultural development in recent decades has been one of the most important reasons for the decrease in the country's population growth.

To address this issue, he called on national media, print and digital media, education and higher education centers, and advertising agencies to work together to promote positive cultural messages about family planning.

President Raisi also outlined several other measures that should be taken to protect the youth, including eliminating obstacles to infertility treatment, facilitating marriage by providing timely marriage loans, and providing employment and housing.

He also called for the construction of dormitories in universities for married students and the creation of life skills training courses in education and higher education to help reduce the number of divorces.

During the Sunday meeting, six resolutions were approved in order to facilitate and speed up the implementation of the law on the protection of the youth.