Martyrs' memory protects Iran from cultural crisis, commander says

January 21, 2024 - 22:39

TEHRAN - Iranian Air Force Commander Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi asserted that keeping the memories of martyrs alive serves as a bulwark against challenges.

Speaking at a conference commemorating the 1,258 martyrs of the Air Force on Sunday, General Vahedi underscored the importance of preserving the legacy of these fallen heroes, stating that their sacrifices serve as a beacon of inspiration for generations to come.

"The presence of veterans at this conference highlights the significance of martyrs' sacrifices and underscores their role in safeguarding our national identity," he remarked.

The Air Force commander emphasized that commemorating martyrs not only honors their contributions but also serves as a catalyst for nurturing new generations of heroes within the Armed Forces.

"By cherishing the memories of martyrs and understanding their unwavering commitment to our nation's well-being, we pave the way for the emergence of new heroes who will carry the torch of sacrifice and service," he added.

General Vahedi concluded by reiterating the enduring impact of martyrs' sacrifices, declaring that embracing their legacy is crucial for ensuring that Iran's promising path remains guided by the values they embodied.

In the dynamic and complex geopolitical landscape of West Asia, Iran's air force stands as a cornerstone of national security.