Israeli political, security structure on the decline, Amir Abdollahian says

January 15, 2024 - 22:18

TEHRAN- Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian asserted that Israel’s political and security structures collapsed when the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas started a military offensive against the regime in October.

Speaking at a ceremony on Sunday, Amir Abdollahian said that in such a convoluted environment, everyone could see that only Hamas, with its October 7 launch of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, had been able to undermine Israel’s political and security structure. 

He continued that Israel shifted its objectives after failing to overthrow Hamas and focused on using military force to find tunnels and free prisoners.

However, the regime delt another blow suffered in this regard and is now on a route toward political solutions, he stated.

The senior Iranian diplomat highlighted that Israel’s attacks on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip accomplished none of its objectives.  

He added that Operation Al-Aqsa Storm was a liberation movement’s response to the occupation of an illegitimate regime. 

“The United States, the Zionist regime (Israel), and some Western countries tried to introduce the October 7 operation as a terrorist act, something that was dispelled by the constructive diplomacy of the resistance,” Amir Abdollahian said in a statement.

The Iranian minister added that the United States erred greatly in giving Israel substantial backing, and that Israel and its allies had completely miscalculated in believing that they could quickly eliminate Hamas.

He restated the fact that the resistance groups in the region operate “independently and based on their own interests” and are not under Iranian command.

“Since the beginning of the Israeli regime’s genocide in Gaza, the Islamic Republic of Iran said that war is not a solution and that the resistance will act strongly,” Amir Abdollahian noted. 

Israel declared war on Gaza on October 7, after the Palestinian Hamas resistance carried out an unprecedented operation against the usurping regime in retribution for its increased crimes against the Palestinian people.

So far, the Tel Aviv regime has killed approximately 24,000 people in Gaza, the majority of them were women and children.

In a post on X on Friday after the U.S. and UK targeted Ansarullah's sites in Yemen, Amir Abdollahian vehemently condemned the U.S. recent airstrikes on Yemen, which were a reaction to the Arab Peninsula nation’s actions in defense of the Gaza Strip, which has been the target of a genocide spearheaded by Israel with assistance from Washington.

“Sanaa is fully committed to maritime and shipping security,” the Iranian minister stated.

He added, “Rather than attacking Yemen, the White House should immediately stop its all-out military and security support for Tel Aviv against the people of Gaza and the West Bank in order for security to return to the entire region.”

Ansarullah and the Yemeni Armed Forces have been carrying out drone and missile attacks against Israeli-affiliated ships as well as those traveling to Israeli ports to provide aid to the Israeli regime in its war on Gaza’s beleaguered Palestinians in recent months.

The U.S. has armed Tel Aviv with over 10,000 tons of military weaponry as part of its unrestricted military and political backing for Israel throughout its offensive against Gaza. 

Additionally, the U.S. has utilized its veto power on all resolutions passed by the UN Security Council that have called for a long-term ceasefire in Gaza.

On the Global Day of Action around the world, protesters in large numbers poured their anger on the streets to mark 100 days since the Israeli regime began its genocidal attacks in Gaza.

In another sign of the Israeli regime’s growing isolation in the public eye, protests were waged literally in every country around the world.