IRGC adviser foresees Palestinian defense advancements against Israel

January 7, 2024 - 22:36

TEHRAN – A senior IRGC advisor has shared his belief that Palestinians are close to developing the capability to counter Zionist bombings while strengthening their defensive capabilities.

General Iraj Masjedi, advisor to the commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps and former Iranian ambassador to Iraq, made the remarks in the International Conference on Human Rights Defenders on Sunday.

Masjedi highlighted the ongoing missile warfare efforts by the Islamic Resistance Forces, asserting that Palestinians will soon be equipped to prevent Zionist bombings and fortify their defensive capabilities. He underscored the crucial role of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, hailed him as a hero in the fight against terrorists, and contended that his targeted assassination by the U.S. was a result of obstructing their questionable interests.

During his address, Masjedi detailed Soleimani's past visits to Iraq and Syria, carried out at the invitation of their governments to offer assistance and support. He argued that the assassination laid bare false claims by Americans regarding their efforts against terrorism.

Shifting focus to U.S. actions in the region, Masjedi questioned the role of the CENTCOM commander in Israel and criticized the continuous supply of weapons and bombs by the U.S. planes. Accusing the U.S. of supporting terrorists while purporting to champion human rights, he expressed concerns about their global interference.

Masjedi also highlighted the widespread presence of U.S. military bases globally, raising questions about their purpose and criticizing their interference. He contrasted this with the Iranian Army and the IRGC, maintaining military bases exclusively within Iran.

Discussing the vulnerabilities of the Israeli military, Masjedi pointed to setbacks faced by the Golani Brigade against Palestinian resistance. He concluded his remarks by emphasizing his belief that regional resistance forces, with Iran's support, will ultimately prevail against their adversaries.