IRGC advisor warns of Zionist regime's ploy to shift attention from failures

December 29, 2023 - 21:11

TEHRAN- An advisor to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has cautioned against the Zionist regime's attempts to reshape the narrative of regional developments to mask its own shortcomings. 

Hossein Taeb, advisor to the IRGC commander-in-chief, has urged vigilance to prevent this shifting attention from altering the strategic landscape in the region.

“We must be careful that creating a new image does not change the field in the region,” Hossein Taeb, the advisor added.

Taeb emphasized the need to maintain focus on the strategic level of warfare.

"In war, there are three levels: strategy, operations, and tactics. Today, we must concentrate on the strategic level," Taeb said. 

He explained that Israel had sought to subdue Palestinian movements in the occupied territories through a combination of security measures against Iran.

"The Zionist regime had planned a pre-emptive strike against Hamas in Gaza before the Al-Aqsa Storm Operation," Taeb revealed, asserting that the Hamas operation was actually "pre-emptive" in nature.

According to Taeb, the Hamas operation had galvanized other axes of resistance against the Zionist regime.

"The fruit of the Al-Aqsa Storm Operation was the raising of the flag of the oppressed Palestinian nation all over the world," Taeb stated, adding that the blood of the oppressed children of Gaza had left a lasting impression on public opinion.

Taeb highlighted that the oppressed nation of Palestine has challenged American values globally with its exemplary resistance, while America had initially sought to undermine Islamic values under the guise of "human rights."