IRGC General: U.S. confronted by significant military and economic challenges

December 20, 2023 - 22:28

TEHRAN – Deputy IRGC Commander-in-Chief for Coordination General Mohammad-Reza Naghdi has shed light on the multifaceted challenges confronting the United States, encompassing both military and economic dimensions.

Expressing deep concerns about the financial struggles of the United States, General Naghdi highlighted the alarming number of the country’s national debt, which soared to a staggering $33 trillion in September 2023.

In parallel, Naghdi emphasized the paradoxical predicament faced by the U.S. military, equipped with a robust arsenal, yet encountering difficulties in subduing a relatively smaller group of Palestinian resistance fighters in the ongoing Gaza conflict.

Shifting his focus to the enduring war in Gaza, Naghdi emphasized the prolonged suffering of the Gaza Strip's population, likening the area to a massive prison under siege for nearly 75 years. The Iranian General expressed astonishment at the restrained response of Palestinian youth, who, after 75 years and despite enduring many hardships, have refrained from strongly retaliating against occupiers, in stark contrast to the opposing side's destruction of 60,000 homes.

Naghdi condemned the deliberate targeting of hospitals and the disruption of access to medical supplies by one side. He juxtaposed this with the humane approach of delivering necessary medicines to captive patients by the other, accentuating the stark asymmetry in the treatment of basic necessities in the conflict.

Turning his attention to the military capabilities of Hamas, Naghdi disclosed that 450 Israeli tanks, equipped with modern defensive systems, have been destroyed in the ongoing war. He lauded the courage of Palestinian resistance fighters who actively demonstrate valor, standing in stark contrast to those with superior weaponry who shy away from battle.

Underlining the dissonance in strategic thinking, Naghdi questioned the efficacy of Western ideologies compared to the resilience and resourcefulness exhibited by communities under siege.

Furthermore, he rebuked the predominantly Zionist-controlled global media landscape for inadequately portraying the suffering of innocent Palestinians, asserting the need for a more balanced narrative.

With more than two months having passed since the Israeli regime's attempt at a "complete siege" of Gaza, leading to the deaths of over 19,700 Palestinians, world powers seem indifferent to the ongoing crisis in the Gaza Strip. The recent United Nations Security Council resolution, intended to halt the military onslaught in Gaza, was vetoed by the United States, emphasizing the country’s support for the criminal actions of the occupying regime.

While the world looks on, Israel persists in its attacks across the Gaza Strip, including areas near hospitals and in the southern part of the besieged enclave, where ground operations are escalating.