Bitumen export brings Iran $1.5b of revenue annually

TEHRAN - Head of the Iran Bitumen Association Davood Mohammadi has said bitumen exports bring the country over $1.5 billion of revenues every year, IRNA reported.
Speaking on the sidelines of the 14th International Exhibition of Bitumen, Asphalt, Cement, Concrete, Insulations and Related Equipment and Machinery on Wednesday, Mohammadi said the Islamic Republic currently exports bitumen to more than 15 countries worldwide.
The official put the country’s annual bitumen production at six million tons, noting that of the total production four million tons are exported.
According to Mohammadi, up to 50 percent of the equipment and machinery used in the bitumen industry are domestically produced.
The 14th International Exhibition of Bitumen, Asphalt, Cement, Concrete, Insulations and Related Equipment and Machinery was opened at Tehran Permanent International Fairgrounds on Wednesday and will wrap up on Saturday, December 16.
Over 150 domestic and foreign companies are showcasing their latest products and achievements at this international event.
The participants in this exhibition present the latest and most innovative products, equipment and machines for the production and processing of cement and concrete, bitumen and asphalt as well as various insulations.
Cement and bitumen and related goods are among Iran’s main export goods to different countries, especially neighboring countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia and Persian Gulf countries.