U.S., Israel regime unable to wipe out Hamas, Amir Abdollahian warns

December 12, 2023 - 22:58

TEHRAN- Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian has warned Israel and the United States that even if they spend a decade fighting Hamas, they would never be able to achieve their aims.

Addressing the Doha Forum in Qatar via video conference on Monday, he said that “neither Israel nor the U.S., even if they spend another 10 years in Gaza, will be able to obliterate Hamas.”

Amir Abdollahian continued that it was incorrect to believe that the Israeli assault on Gaza was brought on by the military operation launched by Hamas on October 7. Rather, it was a continuation of Zionist aggression against Palestinians that had been going on for 75 years.

He stressed that it is evident that the conflict has already spread to the Lebanese and Yemeni fronts, alluding to operations carried out by the Yemeni military and the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement in retribution for the Israeli killing in Gaza.

Elsewhere in his address, Amir Abdollahian underlined Iran’s opposition to the so-called two-state solution to the Palestinian issue, noting that it would not aid in the settlement of the conflict.

“Israel has occupied the Palestinian land and we believe that a two-state solution will not help resolve the Palestinian issue. In the Palestinian land, only a Palestinian government should be formed based on a referendum,” Amir Abdollahian said, noting that such a referendum should be held with the participation of the original inhabitants of Palestine, including the Jews.

The U.S. decision to block a UN resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza was also criticized by the top Iranian diplomat.

Amir Abdollahian emphasized that Washington’s use of its veto power to uphold Israel’s ongoing atrocities in Gaza demonstrates the U.S.’ steadfast, unshakable support for an authoritarian regime.

A draft resolution in the UN Security Council that called for an urgent humanitarian truce in Gaza was blocked on Friday by the U.S. using its veto power.

Thirteen Security Council members voted in favor of the resolution, put forward by the United Arab Emirates, while the United Kingdom abstained.

The General Assembly, where the U.S. has no veto power, overwhelmingly supported a humanitarian ceasefire. On October 26, the assembly approved the ceasefire with 120 votes in favor and only 14 against the non-binding resolution.

On Sunday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi condemned the U.S. as “the main supporter of the massacre of innocent Gazan women and children,” alluding to Washington’s veto of the UN Security Council ceasefire resolution.

Following the Palestinian Hamas resistance group’s Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the occupying regime in retribution for the its escalating atrocities against the Palestinian people, Israel launched an offensive on Gaza.

The health ministry in Gaza reported that over 49,645 Palestinians have been injured and 18,205 Palestinians were killed since Israel began its ruthless onslaught. The majority of the dead are women and children.

In Gaza, which Israel is putting under complete siege, numerous additional individuals are also missing and thought to be dead beneath the rubble.

Plan for Gaza collapse crushed by unity of resistance Front: Syrian premier

In a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, held in Tehran on Monday, Syrian Prime Minister Hussein Arnous said that the U.S. and Israeli regime’s plan to split up the Gaza Strip, compel its people to relocate, and destroy the resistance was foiled by the resistance front’s coordination and unity.

The Syrian prime minister praised the outcome of his trip to Iran and said that his discussions with the first vice president of Iran and other authorities were constructive.

Arnous emphasized the necessity for Tehran and Damascus to deepen their bilateral ties by pointing to the agreements they have struck.

For his part, Amir Abdollahian cited the meeting between the presidents of Iran and Syria, noting that the prime minister of Syria’s visit is undoubtedly a significant advancement in bilateral ties, with the goal of pursuing and carrying out the bilateral accords.

Referring to the developments in Gaza and Palestine, Amir Abdollahian described the full support of the U.S. for the Zionist regime as the most important factor in the continuation of the regime’s aggression against the defenseless people of Gaza.

In a meeting with Arnous in Tehran on Saturday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi noted that terrorist-Takfiri groups were vanquished and U.S. and Israeli schemes were prevented by Syria’s resistance.

“The enmity of the U.S. and Zionist regime towards Syria was rooted in resistance of the Syrian government and nation and the defeat of their plots, particularly regarding the collapse of the terrorist-Takfiri groups,” the Iranian president stated.

“If it were not for the intelligence, military, security, financial and media assistance of the U.S., the Zionist regime would have collapsed by now,” Raisi underlined. 

He said that Iran’s position for the last 43 years on the fraudulent and criminal nature of the Israeli regime has been validated by the tremendous outrage and animosity that the world's public opinion has shown toward Israel and its allies.

The president of Iran stressed that the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, has extended its frontiers beyond the region to the entire world through its operation against Israel.

In a meeting with Arnous on Sunday, Ali Akbar Ahmadian, the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, expressed hope that the axis of resistance can improve and expand the level of their cooperation in the economic fields appropriately just like the unique cooperation and coordination at the political, defense, and security levels.

In a meeting between Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, the speaker of Iran's Parliament, and Arnous on Saturday, they reviewed ways to augment ties especially in the economic and commercial fields. 

Iran and Syria have close and fraternal ties, according to Ghalibaf, who also expressed hope that the arrival of a delegation from the Syrian government led by Arnous will improve ties on all fronts.

Noting the significance of the agreements made during the visit of the Syrian government delegation, he added, “Opportunities must be taken advantage of to enhance economic and trade cooperation.”