Tehran: US ‘directly and undeniably’ involved in Israeli war crimes in Gaza

December 4, 2023 - 23:6
’If the Israeli crimes go unpunished, they will pose a threat to humanity’

TEHRAN - Iran has denounced the United States for its “undeniable” participation in the “war crimes” committed by Israel against the Palestinian people, asserting that Washington has given Tel Aviv additional weaponry to use in the “genocide” in the Gaza Strip.

Speaking on Monday at a weekly press conference in Tehran, Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said that the U.S. has essentially sided with the occupying regime, which has killed thousands of Palestinians to make up for its loss in the war on Gaza, rather than taking a stand to stop the catastrophe.

He also stressed, “The U.S. has a direct and undeniable role in the Zionist regime’s war crimes against the Palestinian people. It is clear that Operation Al-Aqsa Storm was a legitimate and defensive action by the Palestinian nation against the occupiers and that it exposed Israel’s fake claim to enjoy security capability.”

“The new round of attacks started when U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was present at the Zionist regime’s war cabinet... the U.S. has provided new weapons and equipment to the Zionist regime and has filled its hands to continue crimes,” he added. 

Additionally, Kanaani cited remarks made on Saturday by Lloyd Austin, who reiterated that Washington’s commitment to Israel is “not negotiable.”

“Today, the U.S. government is a party to the war. However, it contradicts claims by Americans who say we do not want the expansion of the war and warned Israel not to kill civilians,” he added.

“Action against Iran’s military advisors in Syria will not go unanswered”

Also in his remarks, the top diplomat warned that action against Iran’s interests and security, as well as the country’s military advisors in Syria, will not go unanswered.

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) announced in a statement on Saturday that two of its members, Mohammad Ali Ataee Shoorcheh and Panah Taqizadeh, were killed by the Israeli regime while on an advisory mission.

Speaking briefly about recent Western charges over Iran’s missile program, Kanaani also said certain groups aim to mislead the people and conceal “the bitter reality in Palestine” by bringing up petty matters and baseless worries.

Iran received “guarantees” on unfrozen funds from the U.S.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman also commented on a bipartisan bill approved by the U.S. House of Representatives that would prevent Iran from obtaining $6 billion in cash that had been unfrozen and moved to Qatari banks a few months ago, saying, “The plan to block Iran’s money needs the approval of the Senate and the signature of the U.S. president. The U.S. government must honor its commitments in the agreement with Iran. We got necessary guarantees in this regard as the U.S. has shown that it is not reliable.” 

Kanaani further emphasized that the Iranian government has access to the funds, saying, “We can use them according to our needs.”

“UNSC under U.S. leverage, unable to act independently”

Kanaani also expressed regret that the UN Security Council has succumbed to U.S. pressure and failed to carry out its mandate in relation to the barbaric Israeli attacks against Gaza.

“The United Nations Security Council has shown itself unable to carry out its mandate to protect Palestinian lives and maintain calm in Gaza, which has been subjected to weeks of ruthless Israeli bombings.”

“Outright lie”

Kanaani also took issue with the U.S. government misusing their hosting of the UN headquarters.

“The U.S. government has practically stood by the occupying Zionist regime. Reports have been released by the U.S. that the U.S. has provided the Israeli regime with arms in the war on Gaza,” he added.

Kanaani also condemned as an “outright lie” American claims that the U.S. is not interested in the expansion of the Gaza war.

The U.S. cannot arm the Israeli regime and send its Secretary of State to the Israeli war room in Tel Aviv and then claim to defend civilians, the ministry spokesman pointed out.

Kanaani emphasized Iran’s efforts to stop the Israeli slaughter in Gaza, saying it is the international community’s obligation to defend Palestinians. “If the Israeli crimes go unpunished, they will pose a threat to humanity.”