Imposing Tehran's demands on Washington

November 28, 2023 - 23:47

In a note, the Iran newspaper addressed the important role of Tehran and wrote: By imposing its role in the Gaza diplomacy process, Tehran forced Washington to send several direct messages and demand from Iran to help adjust the atmosphere, which seemed to gradually sink America into the swamp of scattered tensions in West Asia.

In this regard, the American publication Foreign Affairs, quoting some American analysts, suggested that the use of behind-the-scenes channels by the United States is necessary to consult with Iran to manage the tension of the Gaza war. This showed that America has now realized the importance of the vital role of the Islamic Republic in the region. By ignoring Iran, the U.S. wanted to strengthen its relationship with the Palestinian groups and the resistance front and influence the formation of a new order in the West Asia region. This was in parallel with America's support for Israel and the deterioration of the relationship between Iran and the West.

Vatan-e-Emrooz: Strengthening Iran in the Caspian Sea

In an analysis, Vatan-e-Emrooz dealt with the unveiling of the "Deylaman" destroyer of the army's naval fleet and said: With the joining of the "Deylaman" destroyer to the army's naval fleet in the Caspian Sea, Iran's hand in this sea became stronger and its operational range increased. Iran's powerful presence in the Caspian Sea is one of the most important plans of the armed forces to protect the interests of our country in the waters of this region. The Caspian Sea with its five littoral states has many capacities, and ironically, the main part of it is located in the areas belonging to the Islamic Republic of Iran. So to protect these areas and prevent possible interference by others, the navy as the most important security unit of this area should be equipped with new vessels and equipment. With the use of larger vessels such as Deylaman with more capabilities and durability in the sea, the level of this protection will also increase. For example, the past conflicts with the Republic of Azerbaijan over some areas in the Caspian Sea further showed the necessity of the strengthening of the naval fleet in the north. 

Shargh: Israel's absurd claim against Iran

In an article, Shargh discussed the letter of the representative of the Israeli regime. It wrote: This letter was addressed to the head of the Security Council, in which it was claimed that the launch of the Noor 3 satellite into space by the Ghased rocket is a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231. This claim is completely baseless because Iran has never carried out any activities contrary to Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015). Iran has repeatedly stated that all activities related to its missile and space programs are fully in line with the country's legitimate rights under international law. According to Amir Saeid Iravani, Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, the goal of the Israeli regime in making such a baseless claim is clear, and that is to divert attention from the heinous crimes that this apartheid regime is committing against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. It seems that accusing Iran of destabilizing activities in the region is a desperate attempt by the Israeli regime to avoid accountability for war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity committed in occupied Palestine.

Arman-e-Melli: Return to the negotiation table?!

In a commentary, Arman-e-Melli discussed the process of negotiations between Iran and the United States after the recent incidents in Gaza. The paper said: The fact is that Iran has always declared its readiness to return to the JCPOA through negotiations with European and Arab parties in the region, but in any case, creating obstacles such as the war in Gaza and the war in Ukraine, Iran and the United States temporarily suspended negotiations to reach an understanding to close the nuclear file. If we look at the Gaza war and its impact on the nuclear case with a different opinion, we can consider Tehran's efforts to end the war and establish a ceasefire as effective in the nuclear negotiations. Many times, at the height of the Gaza war, the Americans asked Iran not to enter the war. Iran also declared many times without paying attention to this demand that it only supports the resistance in the region. This was so serious for Iran and even the West that although some believed that the shadow of the Gaza war would destroy all the grounds for returning to the JCPOA, now, even Iran's independent view of the resistance in the region has caused no one to say or write that the negotiations to preserve the JCPOA are over!