West’s concerns over expansion of war in case of pressure against Iran's nuclear program

November 27, 2023 - 0:33

In a note, Kayhan addressed the fear of the Western powers about the escalation of tensions in West Asia and wrote: In the midst of the escalation of tension between Israel and the Lebanese Hezbollah supported by the Islamic Republic, it seems that the purpose of the cautious approach of the Western powers is to prevent the escalation of regional tensions and the possible spillover of conflicts.

Western news agencies have acknowledged the fear of the Western powers over the expansion of war in case of strict measures against Iran’s nuclear program, while some circles have claimed in a Western-phobic tone that they should be aware of the trap of the West to drag Iran into the battlefield. In the past, these circles claimed that they wanted to remove the shadow of war from the country.  The biggest threats, insecurity, destruction, sanctions, and acts of terror occurred during their administration. Our country would have been involved in war and insecurity were it not for the prudence of the Establishment. 

Iran: Double standards and contradictions

In an article, the Iran newspaper addressed the contradictions in the legal or political behavior of the Western member countries of the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding Iran’s performance and said: These contradictions indicate the fact that the rights and duties specified under the Agency’s regulations have a dual and contradictory function. These contradictions, which have become a global procedure and are currently led by America, lead to wide obvious and practical examples. The most obvious example is the Agency’s indifference to the nuclear threat to Gaza during the recent crisis in the occupied territories. When the minister of the Zionist regime officially speaks of the need to use nuclear weapons against the Palestinian people, the Agency does not even react to it. In this way, the example of dealing with Iran’s nuclear case reveals the dominance of the political atmosphere over international legal relations and shows that the countries that consider themselves the origin of international law, easily see this possibility for themselves to make their level of adherence to global regulations a function of their political interests.

Hamshahri: Iran's role in the Gaza ceasefire

Hamshahri analyzed the influential role of Iran in the Gaza ceasefire. It wrote: One of the most important actions of Iran in establishing a ceasefire in Gaza has been the continuous consultations of Iranian officials with the leaders of the resistance groups in Palestine. Also, in recent weeks, Tehran has held continuous consultations with the mediators of the ceasefire in Gaza. One of the most effective strategies used by Tehran to highlight the current developments in the occupied territories was the proper use of the "public diplomacy" tool. Therefore, in addition to diplomatic consultations, Iran’s senior officials played a strategic role in increasing the support of the world’s public opinion for the oppressed people of Gaza by giving public speeches and talking to regional and international media. Experts believe that Iran’s activities in the field of "public diplomacy" were one of the most important issues that provided a suitable platform for the expansion of anti-Zionist marches and demonstrations in different parts of the world, especially in Western countries.

Ham Mihan: Sensitive situation in Baghdad

In a commentary, Ham Mihan dealt with Anthony Blinken’s trip to Iraq in early November. The paper said: The trip to Baghdad was important in the framework of Blinken’s regional agenda, which was aimed at reducing tensions in Gaza. One of the goals of this trip was to coordinate with regional allies to prevent the escalation of tensions in Gaza, but perhaps the most important aspect of Blinken’s trip to Iraq was not the reason for his trip, but the type of coverage he had. Blinken wore a bulletproof vest during this trip and it was a symbol that the constant tensions between Iran and America in Iraq were still going on. America accuses Iran of being behind the attacks of Iraqi armed groups on American bases in this country. This is a claim that Iran’s representative to the United Nations has explicitly denied. As the United States and Iran carefully try to increase pressure on each other without getting involved in an open conflict, Iraq has once again become a battleground between Tehran and Washington. Iraq has to maintain its relations with both countries, but continued violence in Gaza may lead to protests inside Iraq and force Baghdad to align more with Iran. In such a situation, the desire of the United States to have a military presence in Iraq will increase. This process will make the balance of power more difficult for Iraq.