Zionist lobby behind EP resolution against Iran: MP

November 25, 2023 - 22:27

TEHRAN- The head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian parliament, Vahid Jalalzadeh, has accused the Zionist lobby of being behind the European Parliament's resolution against Iran.

Pointing to the efforts of the Zionist lobby to pass the human rights resolution against Iran, the Iranian lawmaker said that the Zionist lobby, which is witnessing the decrease of its influence around the world, is putting pressure on the members of the European Parliament in a desperate attempt to deviate attention from the “heinous crimes carried out in Gaza.”

According to the Iranian parliamentarian, the tactic of passing the resolution, under the pretext of violating women's rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, is “ineffective.”

He reiterated that Iran’s parliament urges the European Parliament and other European bodies to take a “humane and wise stance,” avoiding complicity with the barbaric actions of the Zionist regime.

He also called on European bodies, including the European Parliament, to respect international human rights and refrain from distorting international human rights norms.

He called on respecting the feelings of the freedom-seeking people around the world who have stood in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian nation.

Referring to the repetition of baseless accusations against the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGS) in the resolution of the European Parliament, he said the repetition of the baseless accusations against IRGC officials merely expresses the helplessness of enemies toward the IRGC, which counters terrorism, insecurity, and separatism.       

In the end, he expressed hope that the supporters of Israel's crimes should be held accountable and put on trial in international courts.

On Friday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani condemned the provisions of the recent resolution of the European Parliament regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran, saying it was the result of a destructive approach by some quarters in Europe towards Tehran.

Kanaani added that the meddlesome resolution of the European Parliament shows the fact that those who drafted it are out of touch with the reality of Iran’s clout combined with its strong opposition to arrogance.

He noted that living alongside terrorist groups is only one part of the long list of malicious acts against the Iranian nation over the past four decades, and Europe’s pretentious acts and false humanitarian slogans will never erase the black record of those sides because of their support for criminals and murderers of the Iranian people. 

Kanaani said the public opinion of the world, including in European countries, is sad, horrified, and angry about the persistence of the cruelest crimes against humanity by the anti-human apartheid Zionist regime and the Zionist child killers in Gaza, and world people loudly declare in the streets that the authorities of their countries should stop the genocide and war crimes against the defenseless and oppressed people of Gaza.

He added that this is while the European Parliament, which claims to be a symbol of democracy and of so-called humanitarian and human rights values, turns a blind eye to the most unprecedented and brutal collective punishment and the heinous killings of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian citizens, 70% of whom are women and children.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman underscored that this dual approach cannot be hidden from the eyes and judgment of free thinkers and awake consciences of the world.

Kanaani advised the compilers of such worthless anti-Iranian resolutions to adopt a policy of constructive interaction and cooperation based on mutual respect and interests by correcting the previous wrong and failed policies and behavior towards the Iranian government and people.

On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the human rights situation in Iran, condemning what it claimed as rights abuses against women in the country.

The European Parliament’s resolution against Iran was passed with 516 votes in favor, 4 against, and 27 abstentions.