Lorca’s “Blood Wedding” on stage at Mehrab Theater

TEHRAN-The play “Blood Wedding” written by Spanish dramatist Federico García Lorca and directed by Ali Borji is currently on stage at Tehran’s Mehrab Theater.
It is a folk tragedy in three acts written in 1932, it is the first play in Lorca’s dramatic trilogy; the other two plays are “Yerma” and “The House of Bernarda Alba”. The protagonists of “Blood Wedding” are ordinary women confronting their own passionate natures and rebelling against the constraints of Spanish society.
The play is about a bride who runs away from her wedding reception with her former suitor, Leonardo, who is married. Death, in the person of a beggar, leads the frustrated bridegroom to the guilty couple. The men kill each other, leaving the bereaved women—Leonardo’s wife, the bridegroom’s mother, and the bride—to bewail their losses.
Mahsa Esmaeili, Hasti Atyabi, Melika Jafarnejad, Mohammad Amin Rouzbahani, Maryam Rasouli, Farangis Saeidi, Sara Talaei, and Amirhossein Farsi are among the actors of the play.
The play will remain on stage until November 28 at Mehrab Theater located at the junction of Imam Khomeini and Vali-e Asr streets.