‘Iran-Turkmenistan trade exchanges noticeably increasing this year’

November 17, 2023 - 16:12

TEHRAN- Iranian Transport and Urban Development Minister Mehrdad Bazrpash announced the significant growth of trade exchanges between Iran and Turkmenistan this year and said: “In addition to trade and transit exchanges, the two countries have good cooperation in the field of energy.”

The minister made the remarks in the inaugural ceremony of the 15th Iran Project exhibition in the Turkmen capital Ashgabat on Friday.

He said, “I consider the holding of the 17th meeting of Iran-Turkmenistan Joint Economic Committee in Ashgabat simultaneously with the holding of this exhibition as a good event which indicates the political will of the leaders of the two countries and the government officials of the parties to expand all-out relations with transformative, opportunity-seeking and capacity-building approaches.”

The minister expressed hope that the private sector of the two countries will be the frontline of the development of economic relations within the framework of the support emphasized in the joint economic committee.

The active presence of more than 90 Iranian companies in this exhibition shows the promising fact that there are huge potential capacities in the direction of strengthening the strategic partnerships of the two countries and playing a win-win role in supply chains and creating value from east to west and from north to south, the official added.

Iran Project exhibition is an event aimed at showcasing the latest achievements and products of Iranian companies.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by Turkmenistan’s Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov.

More than 300 Iranian companies and economic enterprises are exhibiting their latest achievements and knowledge-based products in the field of technical and engineering services at this event.

Prospects open up in partnership with Iran: Turkmen president

The president of Turkmenistan emphasized increasing bilateral trade, creating new forms of interaction, and implementing joint projects in common fields with Iran.

Sending a message to the participants of the Iran Project exhibition, Serdar Berdimuhamedow pointed out the prospects that open up in partnership with Iran, especially in the field of cooperation in the "Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran" railway line.

The president of Turkmenistan listed the economic projects of Turkmenistan and Iran among the projects that will be presented on the sidelines of the joint economic committee meeting, and evaluated their role in strengthening relations between the two countries.

In this message, Berdimuhamedow stressed: “Holding the joint committee meeting in Ashgabat will play an important role in increasing future cooperation.”

Iran exports non-oil goods worth over $250m to Turkmenistan in 7 months

Iran exported non-oil commodities valued at $251.134 million to Turkmenistan during the first seven months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-October 22), the spokesman of the International Relations and Trade Development Committee of Iran's House of Industry, Mining and Trade announced. 

Ruhollah Latifi also announced that Iran imported commodities valued at $21.261 million from Turkmenistan during the first seven months of this year, with 24 percent growth year on year.

Iran and Turkmenistan have called for developing mutual customs ties during a meeting between the customs officials of the two countries in early March.

During the meeting, Head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) Mohammad Rezvani-Far, and the head of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan Maksat Hudaykulyev stressed the need for launching a joint custom gate.

The officials discussed major issues in two rounds of meetings. The first round was held at Khorasan Razavi Customs, and the second round was held at Hudan Customs of Turkmenistan.

Boosting cooperation and trade in four customs borders, establishing joint border customs, signing a memorandum on training, holding regular joint meetings between the two sides, enhancing border markets, and removal of restrictions were among the topics discussed during these meetings.

Pointing out that the 13th government pays special attention to the development of economic and border interactions with neighboring countries, Rezvani-Far said that the development of economic interactions, especially with neighboring countries, is a top priority for the incumbent government in Iran.

Calling for strengthening economic ties with Turkmenistan, he highlighted that the two states' economic cooperation would multiply the volume of trade between the two countries.

Also in mid-February, senior officials from Iran and Turkmenistan’s oil, gas, and petrochemical sectors held talks on the sidelines of the Islamic Republic’s 14th special exhibition in Ashgabat, to explore avenues of mutual cooperation.

Headed by Deputy Oil Minister for Engineering, Research, and Technology Vahid-Reza Zeidifard, the Iranian delegation met and discussed cooperation in various areas with the representatives of Turkmenistan’s national oil, gas, and petrochemical companies in separate meetings.

Speaking in the meeting with the deputy head of Turkmenistan’s national gas company Türkmengaz, Zeidifard introduced the capabilities of Iranian companies active in the oil industry and emphasized the development and cooperation between the two countries.

Pointing to the fact that over 70 percent of the equipment and items used in the Iranian oil industry are manufactured by domestic producers, the official proposed to help Turkmenistan by supplying the country with such equipment.

Expressing the Islamic Republic’s readiness for building refineries, developing oil and gas fields, and supplying high-quality parts and equipment at a competitive price to the Turkmen parties, he invited the oil and gas officials of Turkmenistan to visit Iran to get familiar with the capabilities of the country’s oil industry.

The Turkmen side for his part welcomed the presence of Iranian companies, especially from the Oil Ministry, in that exhibition, expressing hope that the cooperation between the two friendly and brotherly countries would develop.

In another meeting, the vice president of the country’s national oil company Türkmennebit underlined the Iranian oil industry’s ability and capacity, saying: “We will be happy to see the names of more Iranian companies in Turkmenistan in the near future.”

The representative of Turkmenistan’s state chemical company Turkmenhimiya also said in his meeting with the Iranian delegation that very good suggestions have been made for cooperation between the two sides and the company is eager to cooperate with Iran’s National Petrochemical Company (NPC) for the benefit of both countries.

At the end of the meetings, it was decided that the Turkmen parties should provide Iran with a list of the equipment and parts needed by their oil industry through diplomatic authorities so that the Iranian side can take action to supply them.

Meanwhile, in mid-February, Iranian Minister of Cooperatives, Labor, and Social Welfare Solat Mortazavi said Tehran and Ashgabat have set it on the agenda to expand cooperation for the development of transportation infrastructure in order to increase trade exchanges.

Mortazavi made the remarks following a meeting with Turkmenistan's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Rashit Owezgeldiyewich Meredow.

Speaking in that meeting, Mortazavi said the two countries have historical, cultural, and religious roots and commonalities that can facilitate economic cooperation.

The 13th government and President Ebrahim Raisi's special foreign policy approach is paying special attention to the neighbors, the official said.

“We follow developing relations with Turkmenistan more sensitively”, he stated, adding that cooperation between the two countries should be developed in all fields, especially in the economic and infrastructure areas.