“Weather Conditions” takes the stage again as Israel suffers more defeats

The “weather conditions” keyword has played a key role in Israeli army’s propaganda to justify a variety of controversial decisions regarding its invasion of Gaza.
In one of instances, at the peak of the Israeli public opinion expectations to attack Gaza, the weather condition was able to postpone the attack for almost an entire week, while the only thing visible in the skies over Gaza during that week was sun! Today, more than a month since the outset of the savage invasion of Gaza, the “weather condition” is back once again to justify a possible controversial decision in the coming days.
This was stated by an Israeli media in an article titled: “The weather condition in this week may render the operation of Israel in Gaza difficult”.
The article tries to explain how a bad weather may, and probably will, affect the functionality of the Israeli army against the most defenseless piece of land. But at no point, the writer takes it up as his responsibility to explain how the “most high-tech army of the world” maybe defeated by bad weather of winter? Instead, after recognizing the restlessness of the public opinion and the state of panic within the pseudo-society of Israel, tries to make them understood why it is a bad idea, both for free and detained Israelis, to stay in Gaza longer.
The reasoning starts with describing the intensity of masses of people after some Palestinians have moved to the south. And then, the magician brings the rabbit out of the hat, saying “it’s time to talk about a very important issue which has been in the shadows so far: the weather conditions”. “According to the forecasts” the article says, “a winter time band of rain is approaching.
This means restriction of operations for both air and ground forces. Because they are maneuvering in a civil war and they will be exposed to flood, wastewater overflow, and outbreaks [of diseases].” As can be seen, Israeli army is introduced here to be more worried about the flood, wastewater overflow, and outbreaks of contagious diseases, than the heavy losses in manpower and equipment during its confrontations with the Palestinian Resistance combatants. In other words, it is clear now that in case someone within the Zionist establishment decides to halt the operations this week and give the army a break, we already know who or what should be blamed: “weather conditions”.
Six future challenges for Israel, in case there is a future for Israel
Amid the escalating tensions in the West Asia and against the background of the intensifying international pressure to leash the mad dog of the region and cease the its savage invasion of Gaza, there are now voices within the Israelis loudly talking about the burden of the uncertainties regarding the future, if there’s any. An Israeli media published a report today, describing what it considered “six challenges in front of Israel”.
According to the report, battlefield, Hezbollah and other fronts, the prisoners, legitimacy, anti-Semitism, and domestic issues including the economy, are the six challenges Israel will face in the near future. But from the list presented, the writer considers two items requiring more details than others: other fronts and legitimacy. The writer seems to be right to point at these items, as they are considered by many, including the Israelis themselves, as the “existential threats” for the Zionist Regime.
The writer believes that “Hezbollah will not start the war, but the tensions as escalating from that front consistently”. According to the article, “while missiles and drones are being lunched towards Israel from Yemen nonstop, and the pressure by Iraq increases, the Israeli army must preserve its deterrence without intensifying the tensions in different fronts to remain focused on Gaza”. The writer also mentions the rising tensions in the West Bank. Once activated, the West Bank front can serve as a game changer. “The unrests in the West Bank are increasing”, according to the article.
The writer fails to provide a fair and cohesive picture from the background of the rising unrests in the West Bank and suffices to mention only “economic” and “sympathetic” reasons as the main causes. Further ahead, the writer expresses his opinion about a battlefield in which Israel is utterly defeated: international public opinion. According to the article, “our fourth challenge is creating legitimacy to continue the operation. Most of the governments in the West and also the region are still supporting Israel, but as days go by, the ask more and more questions and confront ever-increasing criticisms from the public opinion in their countries. This means that Israel should invest more in diplomacy, in parallel with the war on Gaza”.