By Habib Ahmadzadeh

How I learned to believe in Holocaust: A look at modern atrocities

November 11, 2023 - 22:50

TEHRAN - There is no denying that the Holocaust completely ravaged the Jewish community, but once we are able to go beyond the pointless arguments about whether or not the Holocaust happened during World War II, we may start embracing the fact that the original Holocaust actually happened at least a few thousand years before the twentieth century. 

Already accepted and embraced by all religions (even confirmed in the traditions and holy book of Islam), the other Holocaust was the criminal order of Pharaoh to immediately kill all male infants among the children of Israelite right after Pharaoh’s sorcerers announced the coming of a baby named Moses who would eventually overthrow the king. This way, thousands of innocent children became sacrifices to this ominous logic.

Strikingly, today's events in Gaza echo this same outdated logic of the ancient Pharaoh. Over a month has passed since the genocide in Gaza, with over 11,000 unarmed civilians, including at least 5,000 children, perishing. 

American and Israeli statesmen brazenly declare their refusal to order a ceasefire, intending to persist in this massacre until every last member of the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement is killed.
It is perplexing that, for six thousand years, the Jewish people have retold the narrative of their children's slaughter by Pharaoh as a means to eliminate the Jewish prophet Moses from their lineage. Yet, those in charge of the current heinous situation in Gaza like Biden and Netanyahu have justified their actions with the same outdated logic as the ancient Pharaoh. However, history itself imparts a lesson from the narrative of Israelite. Just as Moses' basket reached Pharaoh's palace from the Nile River, children from Gaza will undoubtedly etch their place in future, having their voices heard and eventually seeking retribution against these atrocities.

Interestingly, this historical disparity reveals an alarming contrast between the corrupted logic of Pharaoh, who targeted only newborn sons for merciless killing, and the contemporary, unscripted cruelty of Netanyahu and Biden, who inflict destruction thousands of times more broadly upon all - sons, daughters, women, men, non-combatants, and even patients in hospitals. During seventy years of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, mercy was spared for none.

If these actions aren't deemed war crimes, who can fathom the depths of savagery that is needed for people like Netanyahu and Biden? Even threats of atomic bombing by extremist Israeli statesmen are openly articulated. 

I have no doubts that just as the miraculous splitting of Egypt's Nile River saved Moses and his oppressed people, global demonstrations and unwavering patience will undoubtedly pave impossible paths for the thousands suffering in Gaza. 

The Holocaust currently taking place at the hands of Netanyahu will have no other outcome for the people of Gaza.