“The Ferryman” comes to Iranian bookstores

November 6, 2023 - 19:45

TEHRAN –A Persian translation of American writer Justin Cronin’s 2023 novel “The Ferryman” has recently been published by Tandis Publications in Tehran.

The book has been translated into Persian by Mohammad Javadi. 

“The Ferryman” tells the story of a group of survivors on a hidden island utopia—where the truth isn’t what it seems.

Founded by the mysterious genius known as the Designer, the archipelago of Prospera lies hidden from the horrors of a deteriorating outside world. In this island paradise, Prospera’s lucky citizens enjoy long, fulfilling lives until the monitors embedded in their forearms, meant to measure their physical health and psychological well-being, fall below 10 percent. Then they retire themselves, embarking on a ferry ride to the island known as the Nursery, where their failing bodies are renewed, their memories are wiped clean, and they are readied to restart life afresh. 

Proctor Bennett, of the Department of Social Contracts, has a satisfying career as a ferryman, gently shepherding people through the retirement process—and, when necessary, enforcing it. But all is not well with Proctor. For one thing, he’s been dreaming—which is supposed to be impossible in Prospera. For another, his monitor percentage has begun to drop alarmingly fast. And then comes the day he is summoned to retire his own father, who gives him a disturbing and cryptic message before being wrestled onto the ferry.

Meanwhile, something is stirring. The Support Staff, ordinary men and women who provide the labor to keep Prospera running, have begun to question their place in the social order. Unrest is building, and there are rumors spreading of a resistance group—known as “Arrivalists”—who may be fomenting revolution. 

Soon Proctor finds himself questioning everything he once believed, entangled with a much bigger cause than he realized—and on a desperate mission to uncover the truth.

Justin Cronin is a renowned American author best known for his critically acclaimed "The Passage" trilogy. 

Cronin has published several novels and short stories over the years, but it is his "The Passage" trilogy that earned him widespread recognition. This post-apocalyptic vampire series, published between 2010 and 2016, has been translated into 37 languages and sold millions of copies worldwide. 

The series was likened to Stephen King's "The Stand" and loved for its intricate plot, strong character development, and vivid worldbuilding. In addition to "The Passage," Cronin has also written "Mary and O'Neil," which won the PEN/Hemingway Award, and "The Summer Guest," which was a New York Times bestseller.