Indifference to Gaza tragedy is indifference to “humanity”: top Iranian academic

November 5, 2023 - 13:37

Prof. Mohammad Reza Mokhber Dezfouli, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has written a letter to the World Academy of Sciences highlighting the need to bring an immediate end to the agonies of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Pointing to the famous Iranian poet Saadi Shirazi who says “Human beings are members of a whole”, Prof. Dezfouli has likened Gaza to a body part of the world that is bleeding and this must make the entire world unsettled.

In part of his letter, Dezfouli says “indifference” to the war crimes in Gaza is “indeed indifference” to “humanity”.

Following is the text of his letter:

 In the name of God

Human beings are members of a whole,

In creation of one essence and soul

If one member is afflicted with pain,

Other members uneasy will remain

Saadi Shirazi, Famous Iranian Poet


Just as I am sending you this letter, the most inhumane and barbaric crimes are being committed in Gaza before our very eyes. Two million people in the world's largest prison and with the densest distribution of population across the globe are waiting at any moment for the most advanced and deadly weapons to pour on them. The crimes that the Israeli regime commits before the eyes of the world without any shame or remorse are the most unprecedented, brutal and shameless crimes that have been committed against all humanity so far.

In my opinion, in the current situation the duty of all world academies under any banner or charter is to protect and promote human dignity utilizing the effective tool of science and diplomacy as our mission is ultimately to serve mankind in the context of science and culture.

Bearing in mind, the Four Conventions of Geneva (1949) and the additional protocols and other international humanitarian regulations that were approved after the world wars caused humanity to hope that in the event of an armed conflict, at least citizens, especially children, women, the elderly, the places of worship and medical centers will be protected from any harm.

Unfortunately, we are now witnessing gross and systematic violations of international humanitarian law and human rights by Israel in the Gaza Strip and the occupied territories. The complete siege of a part of the Palestinian nation in the Gaza Strip, the deliberate imposition of famine, the mass killing of civilians including children, women and the elderly, the demolition of hospitals and the health care system, attacks on mosques, churches, the deliberate destruction of historical and cultural centers, attacks against international employees and journalists working in the area, the tearing down of residential houses, the eradication of farms, the forced and collective migration of the indigenous Palestinian people, the continued aggression and usurpation of the Palestinian lands through settlement construction are only a handful of visible and vivid examples of the crimes that are being committed against the Palestinian nation.

All of us according to recognized laws have been put to a hard test in front of our conscience, our duty and above all in the presence of God. Can we close our eyes to the smoke and fire rising from the burnt land of Gaza and close our ears not to hear the cries and moaning of Palestinian children who are desperately waiting for our effective humanitarian action?


Indifference in front of these crimes is indeed indifference in front of humanity, dignity and ultimately in front of human’s spiritual and physical integrity. This indifference will cause the foundations of international humanitarian law, which are the most moral and humane rules of international life, to weaken and shake, and cause other criminals to consider it as a license to commit any crime against innocent people in the future.


The world academia as cores of contemplation also have a duty equal to their share in decrying these crimes. Therefore, I suggest that we request all members of the international community, including governments, international organizations, especially the United Nations and UNESCO, as well as non-governmental organizations, demand the following actions:

1. All members of the international community should raise their voices against the crimes committed in Gaza and condemn the Israeli regime for these crimes.

2. The Israeli regime must be pressured to stop the crimes against the defenseless people of Gaza immediately and without delay.

3. The permission to send humanitarian aid to the besieged people of Gaza under the supervision of the United Nations and international humanitarian organizations and stop the obstructionists against it.

4. The crimes committed against the people of Gaza should be properly documented by journalists and jurists so that these crimes are forever in front of the eyes of the members of the international community so that they are never forgotten in the international turmoil and political cover-ups and serve as a lesson for future generations.

5. The perpetrators of crimes against the defenseless people of Gaza should be introduced to the world and the duty of the national and international judicial systems to bring criminals to justice should be reminded and emphasized.

6. The international community should implement a more efficient mechanism to end impunity for the perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity by the occupying regime against the Palestinian people.

I, therefore, invite you as a compassionate, sympathetic and considerate colleague to join this humanitarian campaign regardless of any political, religious or national considerations, but simply to awaken human conscience and raise our voice of justice against these inhumane crimes to the whole world.

With utmost respect,

Prof. Mohammad Reza Mokhber Dezfouli

President of the Academy of Sciences of IR Iran