Iran denounces Israeli massacre of Palestinians in Jabalia Camp

November 1, 2023 - 21:51

TEHRAN- Iran has strongly denounced the Tuesday attack by the Israeli regime on the Jabaliya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the death and injury of hundreds of Palestinians.

“This massacre added another black mark on the already long list of the Zionist regime’ war crimes,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said on Tuesday. 

The attack on the camp resulted killed or injured at least 400 Palestinians, the majority of them being women and children.

The entire community as a whole, and the UN Security Council in particular, were urged by Kanaani to “act promptly on their international duty to stop the apartheid Zionist regime’s killing machine.”

Gaza’s interior ministry spokesman, Iyad al-Bazum, said that during the blitz American-made bombs had been directed against residential buildings, and that the onslaught had completely destroyed a residential complex.

“These buildings house hundreds of citizens. The occupation’s air force destroyed this district with six U.S.-made bombs. It is the latest massacre caused by Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip,” he said, calling on the international community “to act immediately to stop Israel before it is too late."

According to the Palestinian government, more than 8,600 Palestinians have lost their lives and over 23,000 have been injured thus far in the conflict. The number does not include the deaths brought on by the Israeli assault of Jabaliya.

In a Saturday post on X, Kanaani said that Israel’s “brutal and relentless” crimes in its war on the besieged Gaza Strip have revealed the “moral decay” of the regime’s backers, notably the United States, which has justified the regime’s atrocities as “self-defense.”

“The Zionists’ brutal and relentless crimes committed over the past 26 days in Gaza showed the moral decline of the U.S. regime and other hidden and open supporters of the apartheid Zionist regime to the whole world and exposed their hypocrisy,” he added. 

Kanaani also noted, “The heinous and inhumane crimes of the child-killing Zionist regime against the oppressed Palestinian people in Gaza ... have permanently diminished this regime in the conscience of world people and precipitated its decline.”

The spokesperson also called the Palestinian blow to the Israeli regime on October 7 an “irreparable defeat”.

Kanaani said, “The Zionist regime and its supporters are doomed to failure in this catastrophic genocide in Gaza.” 

He alluded to the Israeli regime enforcing a communication ban on the coastal strip during its unsuccessful ground assault on Friday in a separate X post, asserting the blackout was intended to prevent the world from knowing about the regime’s defeats.

“The murderous leaders of the child-killing Zionist regime are so unsure of the capability of their army that they have shut down Gaza’s internet simultaneously with their purported limited incursion into the region,” he highlighted. 

“This is aimed at preventing the world from witnessing their human losses and damage to their military as well as the grounding of the defeated army of the Zionist regime.”