U.S., Europe are Israel’s partners in Gaza crime: prominent Iranian cleric

October 28, 2023 - 22:57
“Depriving the people of Gaza of food, water, medicine, and fuel is nothing other than complete genocide.”

TEHRAN – A prominent Iranian cleric serving as the chairman of the Expediency Council has accused Western leaders of being complicit in Israel’s crimes against Palestinians in Gaza. 

“The evil government of America and its European minions, instead of supporting the oppressed, have become supporters of the oppressor to the extent that one is convinced that they themselves are partners in all these crimes,” said Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani on Saturday. 

Ayatollah Larijani added that the Islamic Ummah is currently mourning the deaths of people who are being subjected to the “worst crimes” in human history. 

Since October 7, the Israeli regime has killed more than 7,000 civilians during bombings, with half of the casualties made up of children. The regime has targeted schools, hospitals, mosques, and churches without observing any red lines. 

“According to international laws and conventions, committing these crimes is undoubtedly war crimes. Human rights for them [West] are just empty words, and they constantly claim to be defenders of human rights.  Hospitals, which are places for treating patients and a refuge for women, children, and vulnerable men, are being attacked by airstrikes, and hundreds of people are being martyred in them. Bombing hospitals, mosques, and churches is contrary to explicit provisions of international laws and conventions,” said the former top judge, adding that depriving the people of Gaza of food, water, medicine, and fuel aims to lead to a complete genocide of Palestinians. 

Ayatollah Larijani also urged Muslim nations to take action and help prevent the Israeli regime from committing more crimes. “Unfortunately, Islamic countries, which should make serious decisions, have only resorted to some words and verbal condemnations.” 

A summit attended by most Arab countries was held in Cairo, Egypt, earlier this month to find a way out of the current conflict between Israel and Palestinians. The so-called Cairo Peace Summit however failed to yield any concrete results as participants from Hamas or Israel did not take part. Lebanon and Syria which share borders with the Occupied Territories were not part of the process either.