Iran urges world to unite to confront Israeli crimes, assist Palestinians

October 28, 2023 - 23:0

TEHRAN- Iran has criticized the international community for doing little to stop Israel's “war crimes” against civilians in the Gaza Strip, stating that the world needs to act to stop the criminal Zionists and aid the Palestinian people.

“Rise up for the world peace and security in the face of the Zionist criminals and their supporters and defend the oppressed Palestinians in Gaza,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said in a post on his X account on Friday.

He forewarned against the absence of a strong response to Israel’s atrocities during the last three weeks from the international community.

The spokesman also stressed that the absence of severe global reaction to the horrible crimes perpetrated by the Zionists in Gaza and allowing the war criminals and their obvious supporters go unpunished would be tantamount to discrediting international mechanisms, rights, laws and regulations.

“Lack of a preventive and regretful measure and the Zionists’ impunity for their war crimes in Gaza mean that justice seekers, freedom seeking and the advocates of international peace and security have compromised and surrendered to the war criminals and villains,” Kanaani added.

Kanaani also said, “Zionist war criminals and their known advocates will soon kneel before the exemplary willpower, perseverance and resilience of the Palestinian nation; and will be punished for their crimes.”