Inside the Occupied Palestine 

Screw the New Years, Stay Home! 

September 11, 2023 - 23:42

On Sunday, September 10th during the meeting of the cabinet, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned about the possible threats to the lives of the Israelis who want to travel to the city of Uman in Ukraine during the Jewish New Year celebrations called Rosh Hashana which happens annually as a Jewish tradition.

He called the trip “very dangerous” and asked Israelis to refrain from complying with the tradition.
 His remarks embarked a wave of criticisms and opposition inside Israel. “This is a very dangerous trip”, Netanyahu said, adding that “people should know what they are exposed to”. 
He mentioned “the blood which is being shed in Europe” these days and wondered “How can people take such a risk?”. 
But the most controversial part of Netanyahu’s speech, at least for some Israelis, was when he emphasized God’s “unprotective” status towards Israelis: “God has NOT always protected us, even inside Europe and Ukraine. Those Israelis who travel to Ukraine must personally accept the responsibility of what they are doing in the current time”.
 He also noted the “flying missiles”, said, “I will ask the issuance of a message about the danger of traveling to Ukraine because when the missiles fly, there is nowhere to run”. 
The first official reaction the Netanyahu’s remarks came from the leader of a main faction of Knesset. Yitzhak Issachar Goldknopf, the leader of the United Torah Judaism who described current government members as “the false idols of power”. “The incompetence and rascality of false idols of power and the failures of the government in Yom Kippur war was unfolded recently”, Goldknopf said, emphasizing that “yesterday’s General and today’s rebel are fanning the flames of a bloody war inside the Jewish neighborhood in land of Israel”. 
He called for Israelis to remember the past, saying “when you see who the Generals were, you realize it was only through the miracles of Israel’s God that we survive”. “The leaders of the dictatorship war of the supreme court have turned into the whistleblowers against Israel all over the world and accuse Israel to be the worst enemy of Islam and executer of Apartheid and war crimes. 
Shame on you if you blame Israel’s God for your own failures and crimes”, he continued. He also mentioned the disastrous social conditions in the occupied lands of Palestine and said, “if it was not because of the preservers of Torah, Israel would have erased from the map of the Middle East [West Asia] long ago”. This strong condemnation extracted harsh reactions from many Israeli officials. 
Yoav Kisch, the Israeli minister of education, expressed shame over the statement of the Knesset member, said “as the grandson of a Brigadier General who fought Nazis, as a Zionist, as a Jew, and as a soldier in Israel’s army, I am ashamed of what you wrote”. Yair Lapid, the leader of the opposition in Israel also wrote: “I have a grave temptation to answer him, but due to the secrecy of the Holocaust’s victim I suggest everybody to ignore him”. Avigdor Lieberman who is a Knesset member from the Yisrael Beiteinu party called for the demolition of the coalition “which is leading Israel towards annihilation”. The backlashes to Netanyahu’s speech seem to continue as it has provided yet another game court for different Israeli political scarecrows to run rhetoric campaigns against each other. Yair Golan, the ex-deputy minister of economy who served as a member of Knesset representing Meretz party from 2019-2022 took the matter a step further, called the Israeli ultra-Orthodox “a parasitic population” which is growing in Israel!