Arms embargoes on Iran will expire in October, says defense chief

TEHRAN - Defense Minister Mohammad Reza Ashtiani has announced that all illegal arms embargoes against Iran will expire in October.
In an article published in the Arabic language al-Vefagh newspaper published on Monday, the minister also said the Islamic Republic is ready to strengthen defense ties with all independent countries.
Defense Minister Ashtiani also stressed that the Islamic Republic is seeking “peace” and “friendship” with countries and wants “stability and security” all around the world.
Brigadier General Ashtiani went on to say that his country is seeking “strategic ties” with all independent countries, particularly neighboring countries.
“Within the framework of active defense diplomacy Iran is ready to establish and strengthen defense and strategic ties with all independent countries …, especially regional neighbors and Muslim nations based on the principle of collective security, mutual respect and consolidation of peace and stability,” Ashtiani said, according to Press TV.
“Thus, today we are seriously seeking to expand bilateral and multilateral defense diplomacy and effectively participate in the regional and international security arrangements.”
Ashtiani also reiterated remarks by other military officials that many countries around the world are seeking to “expand defense cooperation” with the Islamic Republic as Iranian produced weapons and military equipment have proven their efficiency in the battlefields, especially in the fight against terrorism.
In June, Reuters claimed that European diplomats have told Iran they plan to keep European Union ballistic missile sanctions set to expire in October.
EU ballistic missile sanctions are set to expire on October 18 under a UN Security Council resolution that endorsed the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
The news agency cited what it called four anonymous sources as saying that the alleged use of Iranian drones by Russia against Ukraine and the possibility of the transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia are among the reasons to keep the sanctions.
Based on the JCPOA, that was signed in July 2015 between Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council -- the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France -- Germany and the European Union, Iran is allowed to import and export arms in October 2023.