France's willingness to return to the JCPOA

August 29, 2023 - 22:25

In a commentary, the Iran newspaper addressed France's new conciliatory position toward Iran and wrote: The release of Iranian assets, the imminent possibility of a complete resolution of the differences between Iran and the IAEA, and the desire of European countries for a nuclear agreement are a series of developments that have been reflected in the latest position of diplomatic officials.

In line with these developments, Emmanuel Macron expressed France’s willingness to return to the JCPOA and said that we want transparency in Iran's nuclear activities and return to the JCPOA. Regarding the negotiations, the three European countries (France, Germany and Britain), that are party to the agreement, are looking for a new initiative to get out of this dead end. The European troika, which used to negotiate with the United States and indirectly with Iran, after realizing that they would not be able to bring the Vienna negotiations to a conclusion due to incoherence and failure to adopt a policy independent from the U.S., has recently turned their attention to Tehran's approach in managing the course of dialogues to provide a basis for resolving the disputes.

Vatan-e-Emrooz: The page is turned!

In a note, Vatan-e-Emrooz discussed Macron's turnaround and said: Following Iran's new regional achievements along with its human rights diplomacy which led to the recent agreement on the exchange of prisoners with the United States, and Washington’s concessions to Iran to achieve this agreement in order to convince Iran to slow down its advancing nuclear enrichment program, the President of France and any other Western official realized that the page has turned. Meanwhile, Macron is still trying to reduce the consequences of his excessive remarks during last year's riots in Iran. This follows his wrong perception of what happened in Iran during the last fall riots, when he took clumsy interventionist positions and actions, which, of course, resulted in nothing but diplomatic disgrace for him. The French president, who hosted notorious anti-Iranian elements in his office and was clearly talking about the end of the JCPOA on those days, had to call the Iranian president a few months later and tell him about his interest in interacting with Tehran.

Hamshahri: America's performance is important, not its literature

In an analysis, Hamshahri discussed America's performance against Iran. It quoted Kanani, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, who said: "Fortunately, about oil exports, despite the cruel sanctions, Iran is exporting oil. Iran is looking for negotiations to lift sanctions so that the export of oil will not see any limitations. In the framework of the neutralization of sanctions, the export of oil with partners continues. Recently, Iran witnessed the unproductive act of oil seizure (oil tanker) by the United States. On the one hand, the United States says that it is interested in direct dialogue with Iran, on the other Iran is witnessing some new sanctions and oil seizure. These actions are not compatible with the messages sent to Iran regarding direct dialogue. America should know that this approach is not compatible with the claims. In this regard, Iran looks at America's performance and will not pay attention to America's literature."

Javan: Iran's regional and extra-regional interaction

In an article, Javan analyzed the status of Iran which has been invited to join BRICS on January 1, 2024. It wrote: Membership in regional and extra-regional pacts to connect the country to the emerging economic powers has been one of the goals and plans of the government in the last two years. In this regard, after the official membership in Shanghai, which placed Iran in the group of non-Arab countries, now with the membership of Iran in the BRICS alliance, a new pole is being formed.  The West is worried about this alliance because it is being created among non-Western countries, which in total will account for half of the world's population. The importance of Iran's membership in the BRICS Plus can be the basis for a great evolution in the continuation, strengthening, and effectiveness of our country's economic diplomacy as a new player in the international system. The activism and the geopolitical position of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the regional and international arenas are not hidden from anyone and make Iran a stable and reliable partner to connect BRICS to energy giants and major global markets.