ICCIMA hosts Iran-Serbia business meeting

August 16, 2023 - 13:12

TEHRAN – Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA) on Tuesday hosted a gathering of Iran and Serbia’s private sector representatives in which the two sides explored trade opportunities between the two countries.

The meeting was attended by the acting Head of the ICCIMA International Affairs Department Niloufar Asadi, and Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Islamic Republic of Iran Dragan Todorovic, the ICCIMA news portal reported.

Speaking at the meeting, Asadi pointed out that one of the most important problems for Iranian businessmen in the Serbian market is the country's high customs tariffs for Iranians.

She expressed hope that the negotiations between the governments of Iran and Serbia for a free trade agreement will come to a conclusion and the mentioned problems will be resolved.

“Iranian private sector wants to follow up on the signing and implementation of the free trade agreement between the two countries, and the ICCIMA, on behalf of the private sector, wants to participate in these negotiations,” she stressed.

Asadi further noted that the ICCIMA is trying to provide the opportunity for the businessmen of the two countries to become more familiar with each other through holding conferences and exchanging delegations.

“The fields of tourism, especially health tourism and sports tourism, and also the agriculture sector are potential areas for cooperation between the two countries. Considering the lack of water in Iran and our desire for trans-territorial cultivation, Serbia has a very good potential for cooperation in this sector,” she said.

Emphasizing that monetary and banking issues are also among the main obstacles to Iran-Serbia trade cooperation, she said: “We ask the embassies and related institutions of the two countries to take the necessary measures to facilitate banking transactions between the two sides.”

“Barter trade can replace the monetary exchange between the two countries. Also, bilateral monetary agreements can facilitate this path,” the official added.

According to Asadi, Iran, and Serbia can develop their relations through joint investment, implementation of joint projects, production of joint products, and export to Europe or West Asia.

Referring to the good political relations between the two countries, Todorovic said: “In the past month, three important Serbian political delegations came to Iran and there is a lot of potential for cooperation.”

Todorovic also announced that the 16th joint economic committee meeting of the two countries will be held in Tehran at the end of October.


Photo: Acting Head of ICCIMA International Affairs Department Niloufar Asadi (C), and Serbian Ambassador to Iran Dragan Todorovic (L)