Desperation threatens the entire world…

There exist maybe five hands-full of good minds in the West with communications skills who say intelligent things about the U.S. war on Ukraine (and any other conflict they may address). One will rarely find their commentaries in the Western mainstream media which is exactly most all of what most Americans read, if they do read at all, and if they read at all they often just look at headlines and otherwise don’t know much except in their specific jobs or about their families and friends and their ailing bank accounts.
This is to say that U.S. citizens are probably the most heavily propagandized people on earth, but they may be waking up some despite their subjection to tons of misinformation or none at all that question what Washington and its “empire” are all about (which almost exclusively is self-maintenance and wealth augmentation for an elite few.)
It’s no joke about the American public’s lack of honest information about the origins of the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. Or misguidance about Palestine or Iran or other so-called “enemies” of the U.S. as it desperately tries to cling to a status quo of dominance despite decades of failures to seek peace and accord.
One could interview a guide in the meadows below Damavand Mountain or a cabbie in Qum and he or she would likely be better informed about issues beyond Iran than most Americans. But change may still be occurring marginally.
Matters are slowly coming to a head on a raft of issues. Joe Biden at least has been clearly exposed as both a corrupt money and warmonger of late as the most damaging POTUS ever, but accountability so far remains distant and the Democrats’ focus on Donald Trump’s misdeeds via various indictments has been and remain deflecting factors from Biden’s crimes and recognition of the additional corruption of the U.S Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA and so on under the current administration. This all has elevated Trump as the possibly winning contender for the White House next year if he is not jailed because, quite simply, many Americans are put off by what they consider a surfeit demonization and persecution even while they know Trump is no paragon of virtue. It’s all relative in the self-seeking cesspool that is Washington.
Remember, by contrast, the downfall of President Richard Nixon, scuttled politically by his attempted cover-up of a break-in at the Watergate complex in Washington in the early 1970s? What Nixon did in trying to suppress information of the Watergate break-in in comparison to what Biden and even his recent predecessors have done looks like child’s play, but back then U.S. did have a relatively honest media, and generally far more astute elected reps in Congress and in federal agencies. In the 1970s an estimated 30 percent of working reporters/journalists in U.S. media did not even have college degrees, but they were gritty and passionate to uncover truths as the famed duo of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein at the Washington Post demonstrated in uncovering the Watergate scandal coverup. Today, it’s estimated that most all of staff at the New York Times have degrees…but 50 percent from Ivy League schools like Harvard and Yale. It’s all about privilege and perks and rubbing shoulders with power, never mind any focus on serving the public.
Most Americans now, 55 percent according to a poll taken by CNN poll this week, of all places, do not want the Neocons managing U.S. policy overseas and spending trillions to murder people in faraway lands.
One example of journalistic propaganda is Time magazine’s recent publication of an article by three writers, one of them Frederick Kagan. Kagan and his relatives, including one Robert Kagan who is married to the infamous Victoria Nuland, are all Jewish and Zionist Neocons who are part of an aristocracy of sorts of warmongers who for over three decades have had a strong grip fomenting U.S. wars, notably the Iraq war and now the proxy war in Ukraine. Time magazine’s article essentially argues for the continuance of support for the Zelensky regime, claiming that the current counteroffensive against Russia which began in early June has good prospects for eventual success, but there has been NO success to date for Ukraine. Good prospects are a lie.
Arguments by Kagan’s covey of lunatics include assertions in Time magazine that Russia lacks sufficient troops in reserve and that the troops on Russia’s layered defensive lines in eastern Ukraine are suffering from poor morale. This seems to be sheer propaganda, for the real morale problem is Ukrainian and Zelensky’s forces are reportedly surrendering in batches occasionally if not just walking away from the long battle lines and giving up. For Kagan and others, they aim is to keep the war going and to avoid negotiations with Russia which is now the fifth largest economy in the world, surpassing Germany, as Europe sinks in its vassalage to the U.S.
If Russia continues to prevail, people like Kagans will be totally discredited along with the Biden Administration and most Congress critters. The world cheers for this outcome: an end to the war, even on Russia’s terms.
Oddly enough, the Pentagon itself has since the war began tried to restrain somewhat the warmongers in Congress and the White House under Neocon influence. Top Pentagon brass rightfully fear a nuclear escalation and direct American involvement in the war with American and EU soldiers. And most Americans now, 55 percent according to a poll taken by CNN poll this week, of all places, do not want the Neocons managing U.S. policy overseas and spending trillions to murder people in faraway lands. Since the start of the counteroffensive this summer Ukraine has lost an estimated 45,000 troops and maybe 300,000 since February 2022 and many tons of all kinds of assorted, donated weaponry, tanks and vehicles. Ukraine is on Western life support, almost destroyed. Russian troops have suffered and died, too, but not in the same numbers as Ukrainians.