What’s in Tehran art galleries

August 4, 2023 - 20:0

* A collection of paintings by Najva Erfani is on view in an exhibition at Homa Gallery.  The exhibit named “Woman and A Pink Boat” will be running until August 15 at the gallery that can be found at No. 8, Fourth Alley, Sanai St., Karim Khan Ave.


* Paintings by Navid Zafaralizadeh are on display in an exhibition at Iranshahr Gallery.

Entitled “Cursed”, the exhibit will be running until August 15 at the gallery, which can be found at 69 Sepand St., off Karim Khan Ave.

* Jamshid Samavatian is showcasing his latest paintings in an exhibition at Negar Gallery. 

The exhibit named “Everlasting” will run until August 14 at the gallery located at 54 near Iranshahr St., Karim Khan Blvd.

* A collection of paintings by Ali Rahimi is on view in an exhibition at O Gallery.

The exhibit named “A Silence” will be running until August 21 at the gallery, which can be found at 8 Shahin St., Sanai St.

* Kiana Khazchin is showcasing her latest paintings in an exhibition at Bostan Gallery.

The exhibit named “Forget Me Not” will run until August 15 at No. 71, 22th Alley, Larestan St. off Motahhari Ave.

* Hoom Gallery is playing host to an exhibition of paintings by Ahura Khalaj. 

The exhibit will run until August 12 at No. 2, 4th Alley off Qaem Maqam St.

* Paintings by Ali Sharifi are currently on view in an exhibition at Jaleh Gallery.

Entitled “Maniac”, the exhibition runs until August 11 at the gallery located at No. 3, Noshahr Alley, Iranshahr St., Karim Khan Ave.

* Negah Gallery is playing host to an exhibition of paintings by a group of artists including Farah Abolqasem, Mostafa Dashti, Nikzad Nojumi, Mina Naderi and Ahmad Morshedlu. 

Entitled “Antifragile Human”, the exhibit runs until August 23 at the gallery that can be found at 64 Ghaffari St., Jam St., Motahhari Ave.

* An exhibition of paintings by Parisima Bahrami is currently underway at Sharif Gallery.

Entitled “Manipulated Reality”, the exhibit will be running until August 18 at the gallery that can be found at 11 Mahruzadeh Alley, Shariati Ave. near Quds Square.

* Paintings by Hassan Mehrabani are currently on view in an exhibition at Vaali Gallery.

The exhibit named “The Endless Emphasis” will continue until August 23 at the gallery located at 72 Khoddami St., Vanak Sq.


* An exhibition of sculptures by Mohammadreza Purkamali is currently underway at Nian Gallery. 

The exhibition named “Chaos” will be running until August 25 at the gallery that can be found at 5 Abhari Alley, Vafai St. off Tur St. off South Mofatteh St.