What’s in Tehran art galleries

July 21, 2023 - 19:30

A collection of paintings by Yahya Gomar is on view in an exhibition at Saless Gallery.  The exhibit named “Two Halves of a Blind Spot” will be running until August 8 at the gallery that can be found at 148 Karim Khan Ave.


* Paintings by Fatemeh Shakuri are on display in an exhibition at Doost Gallery.

Entitled “Symbols”, the exhibit will be running until August 8 at the gallery, which can be found at No. 4, 4th St. off Eshqyar St., Khorramshahr Ave.

* Parva Karkhaneh is showcasing her latest paintings in an exhibition at Soo Gallery. 

The exhibit named “Vignettes” will run until August 11 at the gallery located at 30 Purmusa St. off Somayyeh St.

*Etemad Gallery is showcasing paintings by Sima Chavoshi and Mostafa Dashti in an exhibition. 

The exhibition will be running until August 22 at the gallery located at 25 Shirudi Alley, Mofatteh St., near Haft-e Tir Square.


* A collection of artworks in various media by a group of artists is on display in an exhibition at Aran Gallery. 

The exhibit named “Somewhere Else” will continue until August 11 at the gallery located at 5 Lolagar St., Neauphle-le-Chateau St.


* Photos by Puya Razi are on view in an exhibition at Bavan Gallery. 

The exhibit entitled “Absence” runs until August 7 at the gallery located at 7 Abdo off Lareztan St. off Motahhari Ave.

Calligraphic painting

* Binesh Gallery is playing host to an exhibition of calligraphic paintings by a group of artists.  

Entitled “Composition”, the exhibit runs until August 4 at the gallery that can be found at 22 Khakzad Alley, Vali-e Asr Ave.