Benefits of Iran's official membership in SCO will remain in history

July 6, 2023 - 0:3

In an analysis, Kayhan discussed the bright prospect of Iran's official membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). It wrote: Iran has proven its commitment to guaranteeing security and fighting hegemony in the region, and based on such a view, it has put the policy of "neighborhood and convergence" as the basis of its foreign policy to achieve regional peace and stability.

Also, with the experience of successful war against terrorism, Iran is ready to share its experiences and capabilities within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization mechanisms to move towards a region free from terrorism and separatism. While supporting constructive initiatives such as the "global development initiative", Iran believes that the cooperation of the SCO members in the fields of energy, technology, industry, agriculture, trade and commerce can present the world a clear vision of a fair regional order. This is while the Western hegemonic powers, by resorting to economic coercion and sanction, have endangered economic security and prosperity and the principles of fair trade in the world. Also, what has become the base of the Western domination system has been the dominance of the dollar, and therefore any attempt to form a fair international system requires efforts to end the monopoly of this “domination tool” in intra-regional relations.

Iran: Failure of Iran's isolation project

In a note, the Iran newspaper addressed the failure of the West's project against Iran and wrote: The sanctioning countries sought to isolate us and thought that Iran would be immobilized by heavy sanctions, but it did not happen. On the contrary, the level of Iran's cooperation with various countries increased. The United States has always been and is the enemy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and with its Iranophobia project it is trying to prevent agreements between Iran and other countries. Therefore, America needs the help of other countries to achieve its goals such as not buying oil from us, not selling us goods, or not dealing with us. But despite the pressure of America, the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are willing to cooperate with us and they clearly negotiate with us and ink a contract. This process means that America's plans are messed up and this issue is dangerous for them.

Sobh-e-No: Regional coalitions a nightmare for Western hegemonic policies 

Sobh-e-No discussed the benefits of the regional alliance of SCO and wrote: The biggest output of the Shanghai Organization is a new combination of the Eastern bloc in the new international order in the face of the Western bloc that Iran forms the fourth side of the Eastern power equation by standing next to Russia, China and India. Now this step, which has taken place following the diplomatic successes of our country after Tehran’s agreement with Saudi Arabia and de-escalation in the region, will increase the role and authority of our country in the regional power equations. It will also promote the image and strengthen stability and cooperation between Iran and its friends in the region and the larger world. In addition, with its multilateral approach, this organization is seriously determined to confront the unipolar system and has been able to challenge the hegemonic policies of the West over the years. On the other hand, Russia and China, two important members of this organization, have veto power in the UN Security Council, which increases the political weight of this organization. Therefore, cooperation and synergy between the members of the organization can change the balance of power in the international arena and play a role in the formation of the new world order.

Resalat: Strong diplomacy and friendship again in the neighborhood

In a commentary, Resalat addressed the foreign minister's visit to Baku and said: Hossein Amir Abdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, participated in the Baku-hosted Non-Aligned Movement ministerial meeting titled "Non-Aligned Movement: United and Steadfast in Facing New Challenges". Prior to departing to the Republic of Azerbaijan, Amir Abdollahian said: "The trip to Baku is an opportunity to pursue and develop the neighborhood policy in the region, and due to the diversity of the member countries, the Non-Aligned Movement has a special capacity to strengthen multilateralism and common thinking to solve new global challenges." After the attack on the embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Iran on the 27th of January (7th of Bahman), the tense atmosphere that emerged in ties calmed down as Iran took appropriate diplomatic measures. Therefore, the visit of the foreign minister and his meetings and talks in Baku can energize this positive and growing process in the relations between the two countries.